Chapter 11- Walk of Shame

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Walking into the building past Chloe, I feel like I am doing a walk of shame every day since being with Alec. Maybe it's the way she looks at me with her fake ass smile. She makes me feel less than, and I hate it. Tossing her my best fuck-you smile, I head for the elevator.

As the doors are about to close, Alec puts his arm in to stop it and steps in. I am smiling, but keeping my gaze on the floor as the doors shut. The last thing I wanted was to draw attention to us.

"I was hoping to find you alone for a moment this morning," he says pushing me against the glass elevator wall, kissing me roughly, his green eyes blazing.

God, he makes me crazy. "Alec, the whole city can see us" I giggle.

"Who gives a shit," he says smiling wickedly, kissing my neck as the elevator dings. He pulls away as the doors open, and I straighten my black skirt and red blouse.

Stopping on my floor and looking back at him seductively without saying anything, the elevator doors close. I catch him running his hands through his hair.  Smiling, I head to my office. I'm in for another long day.

Opening the door, I'm still not used to seeing my office. It's rather large with sage greens and light pink decor. It's very chic, very me. Walking over to my desk, I pick up a nameplate that must have been delivered early this morning. New and shiny, it reads, "Kelsey Thomas. Social Media Director". Wait, What? Director? There must have been some time of mix-up or something.

A million thoughts start to whirl through my mind. I text Alec, but he doesn't respond. I want to look for him, but noticing the size of the papers on my desk, I'm in for quite the morning. Deciding to talk to him about it at lunch, I distract myself with work.

Sitting down at my desk, I look at my office. I'm in awe. I've come such a long way in the last few years. I never thought that I would get here. Not too bad for a girl who was always told that she would never amount to anything.

Opening my laptop, I start in on the stack of work. It feels good to work, to be needed like this, and to accomplish something. I love every minute of it.

Around lunchtime, there is a knock on the door, and looking up, I see Alec's beautiful face. Putting my chin in my hand, I admire him from behind my desk.

"Hey you," he says. "Lunch?"

"Can we just order something? It's been quite a morning, and I need to sort some stuff out" I say tapping my nameplate.

He looks down nervously. Hmm..So, he does know.


"Yeah, we can order in," he says. "Rooftop?" coming toward me, smiling wickedly.

"Oh, no you don't." I laugh. "We are going to talk about this. Rooftop or wherever."

"Okay, then," he says, pulling me out of my chair. "Rooftop. Let's order food, then we can talk. Never discuss anything serious on an empty stomach," he says jokingly.

Squinting my eyes at him, I give him my best, I know what you're doing look. Shutting my office door, we make our way to the elevators. At least we don't have to go past Chloe again today.

Getting in the elevator, I remain a safe distance from Alec. I can feel the tension between us. The fire. Would it ever not feel like this with us?

Glancing at him, I can see him smirking as he looks at the floor. He can feel it too. Ugh. Wanting nothing more than to ravage him in the elevator, I watch the numbers above the door climb higher.

"Thank God" I whisper out, as the doors open on the rooftop. I hear Alec laugh behind me.

Alec walks over, and sits on the couch, putting his arms on the back expectantly. Oh, he thinks, does he? Too bad, I want answers. Sauntering over to him, bending at the waist, and running my hands from his knees up his thighs, I try to use this to my advantage.

"I thought that we were ordering lunch," he says laughing.

Shrugging my shoulders, placing a finger over his lips, smiling. Sliding my skirt up a few inches on my things, I watch his eyes on my hands and thighs.

"So," I say quietly moving to straddle him. "There is a nameplate on my desk. It's all shiny and new."

"Mhmm," he says, not moving, watching me. "I lean forward, sliding my hands up his chest, kissing his neck I can feel his heartbeat quicken. Feeling his reaction to me against my bottom, I smile. Good. "You wouldn't know anything about the new Director title, would you?" I ask quietly, kissing him, and looking into his eyes.

Moving his arms from the back of the couch, he pulls me closer to him, his fingers lightly brushing my thighs. Damnit. I cannot let him distract me.

Pushing back on his chest lightly, "Alec" I say breathlessly looking at him. He runs his hands through his hair looking up at the sky, frustration clear by the look on his face. So, it was him.

"Alec! Seriously?" putting my hands on his chest. "I didn't even apply for Director." The last thing I need is for someone to think I'm bargaining favors for positions.

"I put you in the position that I thought you deserved to be in and fit in. You've been doing it for almost a month. Does it matter?" he asks and starts kissing my neck again.

He makes it hard to think about anything when he's this close. This was a terrible idea that he now is turning around on me. Pushing him back onto the couch again, "Yes it matters! What will people think? What would your father say if he found out about..." letting her sentence trail off and gesturing between them. I'm frustrated, too, but I need him to understand that I don't want or need favors to work here. 

Watching his mood instantly change, he shifts his body so I shift off him. "I don't give a shit what he says. I can do whatever I want here. He barely shows up, and when he does..." he spins around to face away from me. "Never mind...I am not explaining this to you. Fuck this. I'm not doing this."

"Alec, seriously?" I say. This would be much easier if he would talk to me about this."I'm just trying to understand, Alec! Just talk to me."

"It's none of your business," he says harshly. "Just stop. This thing with us wasn't a good idea," and he walks back inside, leaving me on the couch.

What the fuck? Wow. I sit there completely dumbfounded. That was not how I thought that conversation was going to go. There is more to the relationship between Alec and his father than I realize. I can't believe he reacted that way. He walked away without a second glance. Even knowing what Derek did; after I poured my heart out to him. 

Sitting on the rooftop, I'm once again shattered and alone.

Well, maybe it's for the best. I knew what I was getting into by jumping in this quickly. We hardly even know each other. Sitting here for several minutes, hugging my knees to my chest, I collect myself the best I can and head back inside to finish the day. I half expect Alec to show up at my office again, but he never does. My heart sinks when he doesn't show up at the end of the day.

Gathering my things, I turn out my lights and close my door. Stepping out of the elevator on the main floor, I see Alec talking to Chloe and two other girls at the reception desk. It's a low blow, especially for him. 

Feeling the all-to-familiar feeling of abandonment and jealousy creeping its ugly head up, I walk quickly by them, sticking my earbuds in my ears. The last thing I want is to hear him flirting with the bitches at reception. 

I think it's time to give Megan a call. I can use a night out. Thankfully it is the weekend, and I desperately need a friend and a good distraction. I came here to live, not be depressed, and damnit, tonight I was going to do just that. If it took alcohol to forget, then so be it. 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Continue to Chapter 12>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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