Cops and Robbers (Chapter 5)

Start from the beginning

"This is relaxing they won't even find me up here, ha." I said to myself while adjesting my hat.

"Says who?" I jumped almost falling down, but I caught myself. I looked around to see who's voice it was. 

"Up here, little girl." I looked up and saw Prussia above me, smilling closed eye.

I jumped of the tree onto the roof tops, I watched him flap his wings flying down on the same roof. I was still in hand cuff so I can't fight him, if I can't fight then I run, fast. I jumped down from the roof and on the ground, I tripped over a rock making me lose my balance and falling down. I got up and felt a scratch on my face, my hand and knee started sting. I pulled up my cargo pants and saw that one on my leg is bleeding a little bit, its going to sting badly when I put peroxide on it. I was about to start running again when a force pulled me back, their arms were around me so I couldn't move my arms. I started to kick whoever is bear holding me, I looked up to be met with a paper. Oh its the German Empire. He carried me back to the car where the rest of the countries were, Bulgaria and A-H (Austria-Hungary) were argueing who is going to drive. I hope that Bulgaria wins the argument because I really don't want Blind boi to drive. I saw Ottoman sitting in the front passenger seat, I was shoved in the back seat and the tall German sat next to me, just my luck. We waited for a bit because of two people *Cough* Cough* A-H and Bulgaria. A door was open on my left and Bind boi came in and sat in the passenger seat, just my luck we have the German Empire sitting on my right and the Duel Monarchy sitting next to me on my left. Bulgaria sat on the driver seat and started to drive.


(Ottoman's POV)

I can still feel the pain, damn that demon can kick hard. I almost cried because of this, that was embarasing, no one had did that to me before. I was in a bad mood, having to run all night and day and getting kicked in the balls was not helping. I then noctied that Prussia was not in the car with us, I looked around everywhere which caught the attention of Bulgaria.

"Прусия is flying home since there isn't enough space in the car." (Prussia) He said answering the question.

I nodded, sitting back and resting on my seat, I had a long tiring day and I wanted to take a nap. I took off my hat and placed it on my chest, I closed my eyes, but I wasn't sleeping.

"Does it still hurt, Oто?" (Otto) asked Bulgaria, I opend my eyes giving him a questionly look, I didn't understand what he asked.

"She did kick you very hard, You almost cried." He said.

That runined my mood again, god are they all going to remind me about it. Wait what if they tell it to the others, ugh America is going to laugh at me everyday. He is the most immature country I have ever meet, I swear to god if every country hears this I will kill that child demon and America, Britain would definitely let me kill America since they don't realy have a good relation ship. America gained his independence I think in 1776, he beat his dad pretty badly and I don't think they forgave eachother. Then something came up to my mind, are they coming over? I remember Austria-Hungary annoucing that someother countries are comeing over on a date that I forgot.

"Bulgaristan, remeber when Avusturya-Macaristan said that the other countries are coming over? I forgot the date, do you remember?" (Bulgaria/Autria-Hungary) I asked. Bulgaria stayed slient for a few moment like if he is thinking about it.

"I belive they are coming over tomorrw mornling." He finaly said.

"Do you know who will be coming?" I asked

He shook his head, and contuined to focused on driving. I didn't want to bother him so I left him alone. My started to feel heavy and I slowly drifted into slumber.

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