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(In a hospital bed at the safehouse, Cross is lying there recovering. Kane is sitting next to him on a chair)

Cross: Rachel...

Kane: Will...

(Cross's cybernetic hand gently reaches out and holds Kane's hand)

Cross: Wait. Where are the others? Taylor and his team

Kane: They're under sedation

Cross: So they didn't go rogue?

Kane: No. We couldn't take any chances. Truth be told, you're the only one among them who's stable enough to be fit for field duty

Cross: So I'm the only one left...

Kane: Hendricks has gone AWOL. I cannot afford to lose you too

Cross: You won't

Kane: Promise me

Cross: I promise

(Cross leans in. He and Kane share a gentle kiss. Afterwards, Cross gets up out of the hospital bed)

Kane: I've tracked Hendricks to Zurich

Cross: He must be headed for the Coalescence headquarters

Kane: Then lets go get him

Cross: This is gonna get intense

Kane: I know. But we'll have each other

(Cross and Kane fly to Zurich. Not long after, they're taking cover behind an overturned car with a ZSF Sergeant)

ZSF Sergeant: We've never seen anything like this. All systems city wide, military and civilian, are in total meltdown. We've got cars crashing, planes falling out of the sky, electrical and gas fires spreading throughout the city

(Some civilians run away in panic before the trio moves up to more cover)

Kane: All this chaos you're witnessing is caused by one man. The man we're trying to apprehend. We believe he's headed for the Headquarters of the Coalescence Corporation

ZSF Sergeant: Is this a terrorist attack?

Kane: YES! This is a terrorist attack! We need the full support of you and your men before this gets much, much worse!

(The Sergeant nods before moving up)

ZSF Sergeant: Let's move!

(Kane looks over at Cross)

Kane: You still in there?

Cross: I'm still me. When we spoke in the hospital...

Kane: You never left me behind, I'm not leaving you. Let's move!

(Cross and Kane nod to each other)

(Cross draws his KN-44 and rushes forward with the ZSF soldiers while Kane uses her locus sniper rifle to provide ranged support)

(Robots and talon drones under Hendricks's control are currently in a big firefight with the ZSF. Cross and Kane's support gives the ZSF the upper hand)

(In the sky, an automated ZSF wraith is shot down by a ZSF VTOL)

(Cross and Kane help the ZSF soldiers clear the street. Then they move up)

Kane: What does it want? Why is it doing this?

Cross: Right now, I think it's in panic. It's confused. Scared. All it wants is to ensure its own survival... Hendricks represents an opportunity to spread it to other hosts

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