Black Ops

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Hendricks: The NRC are gonna be here soon. We got about one minute to create the mother of all distractions

(Scene starts out black, then fades into a burning truck shown on a TV monitor as William Cross takes control. He, Jacob Hendricks, and Alpha Team are disguised as NRC soldiers in an airport control tower in Ethiopia. Hendricks has a mouthpiece and is pacing around)

NRC Soldier: Tower, I need all air traffic diverted from runway one-nine

Hendricks: Copy that. Diverting traffic to runway one-one. Cargo four-zero-one-niner we have a fuel fire on runway one-nine. Divert course for landing to runway one-one. Please confirm

(There is a sudden banging on the tower entrance)

NRC Guard: Hey! Why is this door locked?

NRC Pilot: Confirmed. On final for runway one-one

(Cross briefly looks at the two dead NRC guards. He then looks back at the monitor)

Hendricks: (Covers mouthpiece) Alright, you're up

Cross: OK. Hacking module is in place. Recalibrating D.E.A.D. system targeting

NRC Guard: Rashid! Amir! What's going on in there? Open the door!

(Cross opens up a hacking module on his monitor)

Hendricks: We got company

(Cross cocks the slide to his MR6. His monitor shows the D.E.A.D. system coming online)

Computer System: D.E.A.D - Manual Override. Please select target

(Hendricks gives Cross the thumbs up. Cross presses down on his screen, reading "Target Locked" on the NRC cargo plane. The larger screen Hendricks is looking at shows the plane coming in to land)

Computer System: Input confirmed. Targeting parameters accepted

NRC Pilot: Tower, we're showing us as target locked. This is an NRC friendly coming in

Hendricks: All is good down here... Possible malfunction at your end?

(Hendricks covers his mouthpiece)

Hendricks: Fire, now

Cross: Firing

(Cross presses a button labeled "fire". An alarm sounds)

Computer System: D.E.A.D system engaging target. Firing

(The large monitor shows the D.E.A.D system firing at the plane and destroying it)

NRC Guard: Open this door!

(But the plane getting shot down starts flying towards the tower)

Cross: ... Fuck

Hendricks: Oh, shit! GET DOWN!

(Parts of the plane crash into the building, leaving a hole in the wall, and all the screens showing "IMPACT")

Hendricks: Let's get this done!

(Cross gets his MR6 pistol ready as Hendricks opens the door. With one shot to the head each, Cross eliminates the shellshocked NRC guards outside and moves forward)

Hendricks: Taylor. Diversion is in play. Bird is down

(The team heads downstairs. A VTOL can be seen flying past)

Taylor: Confirmed. Sentries are leaving their post to respond to the crash. Proceed to the package. Make the grab before it breaks... or gets broken

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