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(At the CIA safehouse, Cross and Hendricks are maintaining their weapons, giving them a clean)

Hendricks: So, uh, I wanted to ask you. Kane thinks Stone and his team are behind the Black Station hit. Shouldn't their DNIs show her exactly where they are?

Cross: That's what I thought at first. But Kane said they're off the grid. They must have found a way to disable their DNI tracking

Hendricks: I'm not so sure. I think our LNO's keeping something back from us

Cross: I think your being paranoid. I did some research and read her file. She's been through some bad ops. Heavy situations, lived through it all. I think she's being straight with us

Hendricks: I guess we'll see

Cross: Your DNI will tell command if you're alive or dead. But for Stone and his team to be neither? That's... unusual

Hendricks: That's an understatement

(Kane walks into the room. She shows Cross and Hendricks a tablet with some data on it)

(There is files on several people. Dylan Stone, Javier Ramirez, Alice Conrad, and Joseph Fierro)

Kane: The murders. The clear out job on the Station. All signs point to Stone's team being compromised

Cross: We've served alongside these people for five years

Hendricks: We know 'em, they wouldn't just flip. It's the immortals. Killing style even says so.

Kane: Stone or immortals... Either way. They took the station's data drives. Once we recover them, the security feeds will tell us for sure. This is too delicate of an operation to send in the full team. We'll just have to send you two in

(Cross and Hendricks look at each other and nod)

Cross: Hendricks. You've got contacts here. Can you get us close to the Gohs?

Hendricks: There's a dealer that works with them, Danny Li. He's a shifty little bastard, but he's well-connected

Cross: Use your charm to get us in. Once we're close, Kane will be able to track the drives

(Soon enough, Cross and Hendricks are inside the biodomes. They are sitting at a table with Danny Li. They are wearing jackets and gloves to cover their cybernetic arms)

Danny: The 54 Immortals have never been stronger. Singapore Armed Forces? CIA? No one will touch us

Hendricks: You still relying on enforcers like Jae Xiong?

Danny: Jae Xiong? Nobody's seen him in years

(Danny scoffs)

Danny: Never mind about Jae-fucking-Xiong. Why should I be interested in your shitty robots?

Hendricks: These are the finest robotics available. Code black

(Danny looks at data on a tablet and smirks)

Danny: Don't care about black, Hendricks. Care about green. You might not know this, but Singapore dollar ain't what it used to be

(Danny whistles at a bartender and snaps his fingers)

Danny: Hey! Bring my friends another round!

(The bartender goes to get Cross and Hendricks another round of drinks)

Danny: Who would've thought, right? One building explodes downtown and everything falls into chaos and anarchy

Hendricks: Come on Danny, look, how far we go back, huh? I know what happened here. The whole sordid history of the quarantine zone

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