Demon Within

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(At the safehouse, Kane walks into a room alone with Cross. She shuts the door and locks it)

Kane: Will. There's something I have to tell you

Cross: I'm listening. Where's Hendricks and the others?

Kane: Hendricks is asleep. I'm running him through some DNI diagnostics. Can I trust you, Will?

(Cross nods)

Cross: Always, Rachel. Can I trust you?

Kane: Always

(Cross and Kane share a small smile before they go back to business)

Kane: I'll tell you the truth. When Stone and his team uncovered the black project at Coalescence, they threatened to go public. The CIA couldn't take the risk, so they were called back to be silenced. Which is when they first went AWOL

Cross: Makes sense. But what doesn't make sense is how Stone is still speaking to us even though we're off the grid. How can that be?

Kane: I think his DNI has been corrupted. That's why we couldn't track him or his teammates. He somehow even managed to turn off his vital monitor

Cross: How?

Kane: Your DNI will tell us if you're alive or dead. But for Stone to be neither? That's... unusual

Cross: We may not be able to track Stone or his teammates, but we can still track the doctor. And there's no way Stone will let him wander far

Kane: My thoughts exactly. He's the best chance we've got. And... Will?

Cross: Yeah?

Kane: Thank you

Cross: For what?

Kane: Well, for everything. But also for saying the tracker was your idea. Hendricks was mad enough at me already

Cross: Anytime

(Cross and Kane wrap their arms around each other and embrace in a hug)

(Kane sighs)

Kane: I'm glad you're with me on this mission

Cross: And I'm glad to have you

(Cross and Kane look at each other. Their faces are dangerously close)

(Cross and Kane lean in, but before their lips can make contact, the computer beeps with an alert)

(Cross and Kane both snap back to reality, walking over to the computer)

(A diagram of Hendricks' mental scan is shown before slowly making a digital face of Hendricks. Cross and Kane are observing the data together)

Kane: Hendricks... His diagnostics are showing some... irregularities

Cross: What kind of irregularities?

Kane: It could be a minor calibration issue, but I don't want to ignore it. Especially in light of his recent outbursts. You know what I'm talking about. That's why you didn't tell him about the tracker you slipped Salim

Cross: We're about to launch an assault alongside the Egyptian army - how do we make sure his head stays straight?

Kane: I can adjust his meds remotely, which should help level him out, but we can't let him compromise our chance to grab Stone

Cross: It won't come to that, Kane. I'll make sure of it

(Kane puts a hand on Cross's shoulder)

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