In Darkness

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(Five years later, after the previous chapter, Cross and Hendricks are both on a dropship. They've both been operating with Taylor and his team for a long time)

Cross: How long have we been doing this now Hendricks?

Hendricks: Five years, give or take

(Cross shrugs)

Cross: Sounds about right. Do you ever think about where we're going next?

Hendricks: Nope. You know me. I just go with the flow...

Cross: Do you know where we're going next?

Hendricks: Singapore. One of my favorite places. Apart from all the ones I actually like. We've got an appointment with our new LNO inside the Quarantine zone

Cross: Oh yeah...This is a CIA op

Hendricks: Glad you remember. I hope you also remember how I feel about the CIA watching our every move

Taylor: Ah, they're always watching, Hendricks. You should know that. I think you're just getting grumpier with age

Hendricks: Very funny

WA Pilot: Coming up on our destination now

(Hendricks takes out a candy bar and starts munching on it)

Hendricks: Oh man... I can't even begin to tell you how good this tastes. After those nasty MRE's we were living on, this tastes like heaven

Cross: You know you could get a mod that makes everything taste good

(Hendricks quickly wolfs down the rest of the candy bar and tosses the wrapper)

Hendricks: Aw, if I did that, I'd never get to appreciate the real thing

(Hendricks tosses a micro missile launcher to Cross)

Cross: Nice cannon. Not fucking around are we?

Hendricks: Yeah, we got the cool new shit

WA Pilot: Alright, this is as far as we can go

(The side door on the VTOL opens as it flares in)

Hendricks: Alright, let's get to work

Taylor: On me

(Taylor drops out of the VTOL. Cross and Hendricks do the same)

(From the other VTOL, the side door opens up. Diaz, Hall, and Maretti all drop down)

Maretti: All squad members are accounted for

Diaz: Alright, you're good to go!

(The winslow accord VTOLs fly away. The group begins to traverse the terrain)

Hendricks: In this lawless shithole, we can actually feel good about our 'by any means necessary' mandate

Hall: When the full force of the storm hits, we'll be looking at 150 mile per hour winds

Maretti: Try not to get blown away

Hendricks: Kane, moving in to scramble the 54 Immortals' communication systems

Kane: Copy that, Hendricks. Afraid I'm gonna need you to make a pit stop along the way. The Immortals have already breached the Black Station. They're prepping a shipment for transport at the docks

Diaz: Is she kidding?

Cross: Why would the 54 Immortals attack a shanty town?

Maretti: Who the hell knows? They could've done it for fun

Just a Black Ops 3 fanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz