Battle of the Elites

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After my battle with Paul, I decided to join the crowd and see some of the other battles. I decided to watch the battle of Ryuen and his Double Battle partner Oak Gary.

The battle would be halfway through as Ryuen would be down to 4 Pokémon and Oak would be down to 3.

Right now, the Pokémon out for Ryuen would be a Frogadier, the Pokédex function would say on my Pokéwatch.

For Gary, his current Pokémon out is a Growlithe.

Will Oak keep Growlithe on or swap out for a better type advantage?

"Growlithe, return."

"Hoh, so you don't want Growlithe becoming mincemeat? No matter, send out something stronger then." said Ryuen provocatively.

"Once I take out your Frogadier, this battle will be basically over. Scyther, I choose you!"

"Frogadier, use Lick on Scyther!"

The frog's tongue would come out and move its way to Scyther.

"Scyther, use Fury Cutter on Frogadier's tongue."

Scyther's razor sharp claws would be put to use and it would retaliate Frogadier's attempt to attack Scyther.

"Frogadier, back off from melee distance by using Water Pulse." said Ryuen.

"Cut the Water Pulse in half using Fury Cutter." commanded Oak.

Scyther would yet again use its claws to cut the Water Pulse attack in half, this time it would seem that Scyther's claws are getting sharper or the Fury Cutter attack is getting stronger.

Ryuen would narrow his eyes for a moment, then would focus back on the battle.

"Frogadier, return."

"Hmm, running away? What were you saying, you're going to turn my Pokémon into mincemeat? All bark but no bite, huh." said Oak arrogantly.

"Keep thinking as you wish, you'll soon be awake from your dream, Mimikyu, you're up."

Out of the Poké ball would come a Pokémon, reminding me of my Pikachu, but if it had died.

"Scyther, keep the attacks coming, Fury Cutter."

Instead of attempting to dodge or answering back with an attack of its own, Ryuen would do something unexpected.

"Mimikyu, Swords Dance, let's go."

Mimikyu would start performing the dance the Weavile had done in my battle, in order to boost its attack stat.

Scyther would land the attack on the Mimikyu, but instead of the Mimikyu being flown backwards, the Mimikyu would simply deflate, revealing its true form.

My Pokéwatch would say that it's due to Mimikyu's ability: Disguise.

Once per battle, the Pokémon can withstand one damaging attack without receiving any damage. Damage inflicted through entry hazards, weather or status conditions will not break the disguise. Damage from Confusion will break the Disguise.

So Ryuen essentially used Mimikyu's ability to amp up it's attack stat and make it rival the Scyther, with the added fact being that all of Mimikyu's attacks are stronger, opposed to only Scyther's Fury Cutter being its only strong move.
It's because Fury Cutter is a move that gets stronger the more consecutive times you use it, although there is a limit to the strength of it and Oak reached it after Ryuen's Mimikyu tanked the last attack.

"Kuku~ku, Mimikyu, use Shadow Claw." said Ryuen as magenta coloured eyes would glint.

"Scyther, one more Fury Cutter!" commanded Oak.

Pokémon of the Elite (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now