From Partner to Foe

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"May the first battle of the Pokémon Inter Summer Cup...

BEGIN!" says the referee.

"Elekid, standby for battle!" shouted out Paul.

Out of the Poké ball came a yellow humanoid sort of thing, it's best to say it's a yellow Pokémon that looks like a human kid, with Pokémon features of course.

"Mightyena, I choose you!" shouted Max.

A dog, with the palette of a wolf would come out of the Poké ball.

I guess I will go with something that would work with Elekid.

I threw my Great ball.

"Gible, go forth."

Even though most of my Pokémon are around mid to high 20s, my Gible is struggling to level up and I will find out why in due time, although I have a few guesses.

Cilan would be the last one to throw out his Pokémon.

"You're up, Dwebble!"

A small hermit-crab would come out.

After everyone came out Paul wouldn't waste a second.

"Elekid, use Brick Break on Mightyena, go!"

Elekid would appear and disappear, as if blinking from one spot to another on his pursuit to catch Mightyena.

"Mightyena, use bite to counter Brick Break!"

Elekid's Brick Break would be caught by Mightyena.

Cilan's smile can be seen from a mile away, he knew what Max wanted him to do.

"Alright, use Rock Blast on Elekid."
Elekid would be stuck in place, as he'd be trying to get away from the inevitable rock hurling at him.

"Gible, use Dragon Breath on Rock Blast."

I'd make sure the rock wouldn't get to Elekid, because I'd rather wish for this battle to not end in 2 seconds.

"Elekid, use your other hand to hit Mightyena repeatedly, go!" commanded Paul.

The left hand of Elekid would suddenly start glowing, like his right one earlier and Mightyena would be too late to react to the onslaught of blows coming its way.

"Mightyena, back off and use Dark Pulse!"

What would come out of the Mightyena was a ripple, that was not aimed at just one Pokémon, but everyone except Mightyena.

Elekid would take damage, but would mitigate some by using Brick Break on the Dark Pulse.

Dwebble would be sent backwards and I had a plan on how to get away from this attack myself.

"Gible, use Dig to dodge Dark Pulse."

"Dwebble, go near the hole and use Rock Blast repeatedly!"

"Nuh-uh, too slow, Gible, attack the Dwebble from beneath and follow up with Bite."

Gible would arise from underneath and lift the Dwebble up in the air, the small crab being defenseless as it is, would be hit by a Bite attack, which would be the K.O blow.

Dwebble would not stand up again.

"You did well Dwebble, I guess it's time to bring out the main dish, Pansage, cook them!"

The Poké ball would reveal a green monkey of some kind, on an unrelated note, it looks like its hair is broccoli, but just slightly.

The Poké ball would reveal a green monkey of some kind, on an unrelated note, it looks like its hair is broccoli, but just slightly

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