Point Zero, Midterms and Summer Vacation?!

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The school day would seem to go slower than usual, as I'm experiencing the fatigue of yesterday, although it was a dream/nightmare, it felt like it actually happened, although I have no visible wounds and no internal injuries.


I can't help but wonder, what did Ishigami-senpai have to go through, to solve his problem, did he also have to resort to brutal force?

I haven't had to go all out in a blue moon.

"Ayanokouji-kun." said my seatmate with a stern gaze.

I can't help but yawn in my palm.

"What an honor to have the opportunity to converse with you, Horikita-sama." I say nonchalantly.

Horikita would close her eyes at my response and sigh very deeply.

"My disappointment is immeasurable and my day has been ruined." I heard her murmur.

"You said something?"

"Nothing, just pay attention in class."

Lunch would roll around and I would think a very good approach to keeping me awake is getting some sort of caffeinated beverage, probably a coffee, no definitely.

I'd walk towards the cafeteria and would approach a machine.

Truth be told, I haven't tried out a coffee from a vending machine.

I saw a student earlier take a coffee branded "MAX Coffee."

I selected it and took it outside to the benches to enjoy, since lunch recess is around a half hour.

I scouted a location with little to no people and I sat down.

Opened the can and took my first sip.

It is very sweet, it doesn't even feel like a coffee, but I can't say I hate it.

Although my lonesome sitting would come to an end as I would see a person approach me.


"Well, how did it go then, Kouhai?"

"I can't say it wasn't a pain, but I'm glad that I got to deal with it, thank you for the advice."

"No need to thank me, it's been a while since someone worthy of interest has appeared in this school."

"What do you mean, a lot of the senpais seem amazing, I saw Nagumo-senpai and Shirona-senpai battle with Ibuki-senpai and Wataru-senpai and they seemed to be pretty strong, no need to mention also Horikita-senpai."
"You could say that, yeah, however..."


"They've yet to beat me in a battle."

It seems like I've gotten the interest of someone who's going to be in the way of my dream, huh.

"There's a person I've had yet a chance to have a battle against, but they never look my way and they say he's so strong, that he doesn't even train, he wants others to catch up to him."
Ishigami looks at the sakura blossoms with a smile that has a hint of melancholy.

"Enough about me, however, the talk is about you."

He noticed, huh.

"Well, what do you want to know? Depending on the questions, I might entertain them."

"You wouldn't be acquainted with an Ayanokouji Atsuomi, would you?"

"I'm not sure, maybe he's an uncle?"

"I see, coincidences sure are scary, huh." laughed Ishigami to himself.

Despite his gloomy looks, he sure can act like a normal high school boy, huh.

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