Battles Among Elites

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The duels have been announced and fate has decided to put me against my seatmate. Considering the way she's been acting, she considers herself to be very superior compared to our peers. It's a negative trait, however, what if she's not all talk? What if she can give me what I've longed for.

That'd be a complete defeat.

Contradicting isn't it? Said I wanted to be a Pokémon master, yet I want to lose.

Don't know why it is that way.

Horikita, will you prove your worth, or are you just all show and no substance?

~Pokémon of the Elite~

The first battle is beginning.

Kouenji vs Kushida.

I'm very intrigued to have the chance of seeing him use that sparkling Pokémon he obtained on the first day. Pokédex is going to be handy today.

They both approach their respective spots on the colosseum, all eyes would be on them, except not, as I can see Yamauchi and Ike already discussing a topic that all boys their age shouldn't do.

The few that did look, however looked with interest, I would dare say even Horikita, didn't just seem to be spectating for the sake of it, but because she genuinely is curious on how this battle would go.

"Let me explain the rules of these Pokémon battles. It is a 1 versus 1 Pokémon battle and you only get to use 1 Pokémon, so if you did catch a Pokémon yesterday, then decide who you are going to use."

Hmm, despite my undisputed strongest Pokémon being Honedge, I know Horikita has that red fox Pokémon. I don't want to sound too conceited or arrogant, but I think that the red fox Pokémon is likely to be a Fire-type and if not, then a Normal-type. Which means that Honedge wouldn't be that useful for the battle, which only leaves me with the options of Caterpie and Fletchling.

There might be a chance that Horikita has in fact caught another Pokémon, but the chance of it being someone better than the fox is slim to none. That doesn't really mean that I should use Honedge, in fact I'm confident I know who I'm going to use now.

"Even though I'd love to use both of my Pokémon, I have to go for the one, who has been by my side since day one." said Kushida with a bit of melancholy.

Both trainers have decided on their partner for today's battle. I didn't get a chance to look at Kushida's Pokémon. Kouenji seems to have quite a few Pokémon, in fact, he put away 5 of his 6 Pokéballs, which means that he's already caught 5, if not even more.

"Now that the trainers have chosen their Pokémon, the battle will commence shortly."

"Hmph, I see all of you with your Pokédexes out, expecting me to use Dino-kun, you'd be mistaken, until I see someone worthy of facing him, he'll stay put." says Kouenji as he juggles the single Pokéball in his hand.

The real question would be, what Pokémon would Kouenji send out now.

"The Pokémon battle between Kushida and Kouenji has now begun!"

"I Choose you, Houndour!" says Kushida as she chucks the Pokéball out towards the middle of the stadium.

"I Choose you, Houndour!" says Kushida as she chucks the Pokéball out towards the middle of the stadium

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Pokémon of the Elite (REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now