Chapter Five-Those Who Kill

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The further downtown they got, the more frequently they saw people. Yet Nova noticed more dead bodies than living ones. Nova didn't know much of what to call these new parasites that had plagued them. So she decided to call them the outsiders.

They could disguise as humans. That was all Nova really knew. Their intentions became clear as day with their progressing violent behavior that they had displayed thus far.

The sight of Mal confirmed that for her. They guted her like she was nothing more than a measly animal on a slaughter farm... Everyone in that shop became that.

With each step to their destination, the anger in the pit of her stomach swelled and boiled with more intensity than one could imagine.

Her grip on Lauren's hand tightened slightly as she thought about it.

Lauren winced in pain at the tight grip Nova had on her. She knew she was mourning. It was clear as day. Lauren watched as she novas raven hair sway back and forth as she walked. She walked with purpose and intent.

It was clear, especially to Lauren. was a woman who lost something dear to her. And god save those who chose to cross her in this very moment. "Nova, could you loosen up a bit. You're hurting me." Lauren spoke u, breaking their silent trek.

Stopping Nova turned and quickly let go of her hand, hanging her head slightly low. Starring at Lauren's bandaged hand. A bit of guilt trickled down her throat. She probably hurt her in her moment of unfocused anger.

She wasn't like she. She needed to get a grip of herself, or else she'd get them into serious trouble.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have held onto you like that." Nova ran a frustrated hand through her hair. "Just this whole situation is fucked!" Deep down Nova wanted to punch something.

Walking up to her, Lauren gently grabs novas' hand and forms her best attempt at a smile. "Look, we're gonna be okay. We'll be out of the city soon enough once we get a car." The blond said reassuringly. "Besides, we still have a bit to walk. We should keep moving, okay?"

Nova nodded. Usually, she was the calm one. But in this moment, it was Lauren who had taken that place. Nodding her head, Nova finishes running her hand through her hair, and they continue their walk.
The flickering and poping sounds of the burning fires were the only loud sounds other than the shells frequent rumbles of anger. Roaring loudly, almost as if it was calling out to something, but what?

Novas and Lauren could hear the sound of their own steps as they walked on the pavement. The bottom of their boots smacking rather loudly on the concrete.

Lauren wanted to pick up the moral. Making the conscious decision, she decided that maybe a joke would be nice. "Ya know on the bright side. At least we don't have to worry about people pushing us just so they can get to work!" She said cheerily.

Nova smiled at her and chuckled softly. Starring up she watched as the shell nearly blocked out the entire sky. Leaving a luming dark shadow over the city.

The setting sun didn't make the ominous spine-chilling aura of the city and less noticeable. Nova appreciated Lauren's attempts at small talk. Hell, even a conversation was nice. Nova found herself often thinking to herself throughout this whole ordeal.

"I appreciate what you're trying to do, Lauren. Truly, it's helping." Nova said, " I'm just trying to remain aware. We don't know who's still out here..." Lauren's head sunk a bit. She was right.

Maybe now wasn't the time for jokes. She wanted to be useful so she decided to keep the jokes and small talk to a minimum.

Nova frowned at her friends silence, but she just wanted them to stay safe in their new unknown surroundings. As they continued to walk the occasional sound of crying or gunshots could be heard still. The helicopters grew less frequent as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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