Chapter One-And So It Starts

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         Fear...she could feel her legs lock up. The horor that befell her from the seight ahead of her. The pit in her stomach cleaned, the twisting and turning of her guts was an unavoidable feeling.

     Following her eyes lead to her gaze being held on the sky. An irregular, rough-coated cylinder approached in total silence. Everyone was seeing it...who wasn't really. The Once busy traffic of new York city was now still. The chilling stiffness of silence befell the city. Traffic stopped. people just stood there almost in unaware fear as they gazed at the unidentifiable space craft.

    the slow roaring of engines and honking of hornk and the occasional scream was all that broke the silence. Even then Nova could not manage to make her Feet move as they plastered themselves to that concrete sidewalk. The ship was nothing more if not a Goliath of a otherworldly craft. It's sleek black metallic outer shell shined from the reflection of the sun. Which with time his enormous size all but nearly blocked out the entirety of the sun's once bright light.

She wanted to move, run, scream. Hell. Even hide if she could. But something in her soul was to fear shocked to move. Thankfully with the panicked uproar of the city she was quickly knocked back to her senses. An oncoming stranger nearly knocking her over as he ran from the space craft luming over the city. The hard concrete made contact with her butt and hand, scraping her palm in the process. This was enough, the sudden pain in her hand awoken her. Quickly stumbling to her feet she quickly stood up and ran as well following those on the street...but maybe...we should take this back to the beginning.


24 hours earlier...

God... she hated these dreams she had "wake up", she practically mentally yelled at herself. The same recurring dream. It was her dad, that painfully paranoid man and the things he made her do in the name of "survival."

Her body thrashed in her bed squirming as the dream progressed. "WAKE UP NOVA!" With her final self attempt to wake herself up she shoots right up in her bed. Her breathing was labored almost feeling as if her throat was being squeezed, her chest etched with tightness. Running her hand through her jet-black sillk hair that was now disheveled and tangled from bedhead. She cried softly, taking a moment she grounds herself..."1...2...3..."

Gradually novas once racing heart slowed down. Taking the back of her hand she wiped the few straggling tears that threatened to full blown fall from her eyes. Now that she was calm she stared at her barren surroundings, and her distraught and poor excuse of an apartment. The walls were an off white almost grayish tan collor...the paint was worn and scoffed from all the previous tenants. The corners were worn and showed signs of clear water damage from previous flooding and plumbing issues. There was a single window above her bed. But the sight was more or less lack luster, leaving you craving more with its view of the local strip club and a solid brick grimy wall.

    Yet despite its worn down baren state. It was hers, it was her home. With a sigh she throws herself back into her crickety bed. Her gaze followed the ceiling. Her hands brushing against the satin sheets. Their cool silky continents oddly comforting to her. "I gotta get up," her head rolled to the side. Starring at her phone for a moment.

    Reaching over she glided her thumb along the side of the phone. Powering it Life as the blinding light shot into her face. Squinting her eyes slightly. Swiping down she checked the time. 6am, with a heavy sigh she tosses her phone aside and sits back up. The comforter that once brought warmth and comfort, we're now tossed and thrown off her as she stood up. The cold feeling of the cheep hardwood floors hit her feet. Causing her to slightly shake as the chill of the early morning air hit her. Walking to the bathroom the floorboards squeaked from underneath her. "Cheap ass apartment," she thought to herself.

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