Chapter Two-Humanity

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The overwhelming sore feeling that shot through novas back was rather unavoidable and beyond uncomfortable. With a soft grunt Nova slowly sat up from on the couch. The couch pretty much matched the rest of the apartment. A old worn pink couch that Lauren was persistent on buying for their apartment. The bitch was uncomfortable that was for sure. The cheap fake pink leather stuck to novas slightly sweaty skin.

Pulling the few pieces of hair from her face that had stuck to it from her drool. She was a mess. But she was a proud mess, that's how she always kept herself positive. No matter how beaten down she was... she always would and always will hold onto that pride. Sitting up fully, Nova raised her arms high in the air stretching, and surprisingly poping her back. Nova let out a sound. That could only be described as a moan of satisfaction. Seeing as she rarely can pop her back herself, she considered this the first victory of the day.


Nova jumped at the sound of something hitting the living room window. Confused mostly considering they were on the fith floor. What the hell could have hit the window? She thought more or less to herself. A bit startled but nothing else, she brushes off whatever had just happened. Surely it was nothing. Right?

Standing to her feet, the floorboards as on cue, squeaked and screeched under the weight if her steps. She often joked that if being loud were a crime. This while complex would be arrested for the absurd amount of ruckus that came from the apartment building. Once again making her way to the bathroom, she does her best to do a quiet shuffle to the bathroom, as to not wake up Lauren who was well asleep by now.

Nova remembered a time when she had accidentally made too much noise and awoken her from her beautiful slumber. Typical Lauren was a sweet girl. But God forbid she were hungry or didn't get enough sleep. Pray, for she would let out a side of her that no one, not even Nova would enjoy seeing. So that one day of hearing Lauren's Rath, it was enough to remind her it was best to try not to wake her.

Siding into the bathroom and shutting the door behind her she let out a heavy sigh. The kink in her neck threatening to ruin her whole day. She shouldn't have slept on the couch but hey. What can you really do about it. It was an hour walk from their apartment to where Nova worked. Truthful, she didn't mind all that much.

Stripping the clothes off her body felt amazing, like a spider who has just finished molting. She felt the sweat of her clothe being revealed from her body. Taking a deep, deep sigh. Nova made one last full stretch the pain of stress and an uncomfortable slumber slightly easing itself away. Nova stared in the mirror at her naked body...

She was definitely a proud woman... but even the proudest most confident of people have their insecurities. Stretching out her arms slightly Nova examined her naked body. The scars that lingered were gruesome and grotesque. But they were they're forever. Nova never felt confident or comfortable with the way her body looked because of her past, her upbringing... because of her father. Lauren knew a lot of what she went through. And always made it a point to defend her when people questioned why she wore nothing but long sleeves and well covering clothes. Thankfully she had Lauren to defend her.

Brushing the thoughts that plagued her mind away. She quickly turned to hop into the shower.

Relief... that's the best way to explain the scorching hot water that hit her body. It felt like all the pain and stress were simultaneously being melted away

Nova couldn't lie. She was definitely one of those women who love scorching hot showers.

Turning around Nova slid her hand down her hair letting it all take in the water so she could wash it. Yet, she stayed there in the warm water. Allowing it to just hit her body for a bit longer. Pleasantly singing to herself. Once the relaxation was over. She immediately began continuing the routine of her morning and began cleaning herself...

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