Chapter Three- Inhumane

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Taking Lauren's hand firmly Nova guided her down the stairs to their apartment. The stairs were rattling from all the chaos outside. Nova knew a situation for Lauren probably made her friend want to hide. With a quick glance Nova studied Lauren, fear was written all over her face and in those Beautiful blue eyes of hers.

Despite Lauren's apparent shaking legs, she found a way to keep moving. Truthfully, Nova was proud of her her. Yet also glad her friend trusted her the way she did.

The sound of the stairs creaked under the pressure of their weight.

Nova knew what layed at the bottom of those stairs. Lauren knew what was going on outside, but in a way Nova wished to shield her from the true gruesome reality of their situation.

Nearing the end of the steps. Nova made it clear to cover Lauren's face as they passed the dead man at the bottom who's head looked almost as if it had sunken in from the harsh impact of the fall. Nova stared as the pool of blood had already begun to form around him.

Lauren's sniffles prompted Nova to hurry and take them outside.

There was no better way to explain the madness of the outside other than a war zone littered with nothing but dead bodies. The city of new York in that moment had become... lawless.

Cars were flipped over and scorching as the fames from their counterpart roared with rage, smoke and fire filled the streets. Among the sounds of gunfire cries and screams and wails of agony. Lauren and Nova stood strucken with the shock and reality of their situation.

People smashing cars, stealing. Some people were even shooting other people. Whatever happened, it took less than an hour for the world to erupt with madness.

But in the end, I guess that's what humanity was all along. A sicken plagued of people who were filled with the most darkest desires, and with what felt like the end of the world. Who would care if someone committed a crime...

Their once bustling semi-lively city was now reduced to nothing more but ash and blood. Roaming with the madness of those who never really had a sense of kindness and humanity.

Nova could see the streets already littered with dead bodies. Yet the worse one. A mother, holding her dead child. He couldn't have been more than 6. The small body of the limp child lay lifelessly, blood soaking his orange shirt... his mother shrieking in grief at her loss.

Gripping Lauren's hand Nova pulled her along as they walked at a rather fast pace. There was one place she NEEDED to check before going anywhere else...


Nova didn't want to admit it but she was most worried for Mal. "Nova what the hell is that thing?!" Lauren cried as she was dragged by her friend. Her gaze locked onto the black metallic shell that overtook most of the sky.

"Honestly I don't know, but I don't want to stick around to find out." Nova said trying to force reassures in her voice.

Lauren knew her friend better than that though. "Okay but why! Why now? Why here!?" Lauren was rightfully curious, but Nova just couldn't give her a proper answer. "Who knows, maybe they need us." Nova spoke as her feet hit against the pavement with every step.

"Maybe they need earth, hell maybe they want us gone, we don't lauren." She said.

"But I'm not gonna try and pry when it could possibly kill us." Nova just needed the most important people in her life safe. Lauren.

And most importantly... Mal.

They were so close. Lauren could see the sign to the shop she had grown to love so much. Now seeing in so much closer, novas urge to run to Mal picked up the pace.

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