𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝙽𝚒𝚗𝚎

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Unrevised chapter

May contain inappropriate language

Sorry for any spelling errors

~ ••• ~

- This is my room

- It's pretty big.

- Yes, but it's not even a third of the company, come on, let's continue.

After seeing the company from head to toe, it's a huge company, I'm sure I'll get lost in the first few days, but over time I'll get used to it.

- So son, what did you think?

- It's very big, I liked it, the staff are all very friendly.

- Yes, they are, and over time you get used to the place, let's go home now your mother should be home.

- Okay, dad.

We said goodbye to the employees we saw on the way to the exit and went to the car when we arrived home. I was the first to enter and I could already smell the food ready.

- Hmm, that smells good.

- Jungkook, I'm glad you're here, come and eat dinner is already on the table.

- Hey my love.

- Hi, how was work?

- It was good, I showed the company to Jungkook. - day going to the kitchen accompanied by my mother.

- Seriously, what did Jungkook think?

- I really liked it, I think I'll adapt well.

- That's good, my son.

- Let's have dinner now and rest, we will have another long day tomorrow.

- Yes father.

- Jungkook, my son, is there something bothering you?

- No, mom, it's just....

- Son, if it's something about the company, you can talk about it.

- No, it's not about the company, it's about.....a friend from school.

- You can talk about whether you feel comfortable.

- I don't know very well, but I think he's not doing well with his family.

- What do you mean, son?

- Dad, yesterday I was coming home from school with him and we stopped in front of his house and he was in a hurry to go in and I asked him why, but before he could answer, a man came out of his house and abruptly pulled him towards Inside the house, that's what's bothering me.

- And why is this bothering you? - says my mother.

- This man threw him on the floor as soon as they entered the house, and today he didn't go to class.

- He didn't wake up on time.

- I don't think that's what he looked like he was scared.

- Talk to him tomorrow if he goes to class.

- I'll try, dad.

After this conversation we finished dinner and I went to my room, took a shower, got dressed and lay down on the bed and slept afterwards.


~ • Jimin • ~

I opened my eyes slowly and with difficulty because of the light, realizing that I'm somewhere other than my room, I look to the side and see my mother, she had her head down crying softly while holding my right hand, I give a light I squeezed her hand causing her to lift her face realizing that I was awake.

- Son, my love, are you okay, what happened?

- ..... - I try to answer, but I can't.

- One moment, son, I'll call the nurse. - he says leaving the hospital room.

How did I end up here, as I remember I was lying in my bed, what happened?

- I'm back, son. - says accompanied by the nurse.

- Hello, how are you feeling? He is well? - I just nod my head.

- So how is he?

- Well, he has some injuries on his body due to being attacked, as from yesterday to today he has made a big improvement and he can now go home, but he won't be able to exert himself, you need to rest a lot, ok? - I nod again.

- Could Mrs. Park talk to you alone?

- Of course you can, I'll be right back son.

So the two leave the room and I'm processing to try to understand what happened and it came to my mind that at school the nurse said that if I fainted again I could end up in the hospital, so that could have been what happened. I laid down to sleep and consequently I ended up passing out and stopping here, but how did my mother get into my room if I made sure to braid it? I'll talk to her about it later.

I close my eyes feeling a bit of something I haven't felt in a long time, peace, everything was so quiet, a comfortable silence, I was feeling safe after not feeling it for a long time.

~ • Ms. Park • ~

- Oh, is there something wrong with him, doctor?

- Do you know if your child suffers from anxiety or depression?

- We never went for a diagnosis, but I know he's been a very anxious boy since he was little.

- Okay, did you notice anything different in his everyday behavior?

- We only meet for breakfast and dinner, as I'm always working.

- I understand, your son is not well.

- Oh my god, my boy, what exactly does he have, doctor?

- He is malnourished if he doesn't start eating properly he will become anemic and will need treatment, his son has low vitamin D and vitamin B12 as well, and in addition he is having several episodes of fatigue.

- My boy, could you give me a medical certificate, I will try to ask for a month's leave so I can take care of him.

- Of course, I will also give you a prescription with some medicines to treat fatigue and some foods to replace B12 that will also help with vitamin D and to help a little more, it can replace vitamin D for 10 to 15 minutes, but no It must necessarily take about 5 minutes for it to be in the sun, it's good.

- Ok doctor, thank you very much.

- No, ma'am, I just did my duty, go get your certificate and I'll bring it to you so you can be released.

- Ok.

- Excuse me.

I enter the room and see my son with his eyes closed and his body relaxed, it's been a while since I've seen him like this, he must be so tired that he didn't even hear the door being opened, I go towards him, sit down where I was before and remain there looking at my boy.

Until the next chapter

𝑳𝒆𝒕 𝑴𝒆 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒑 𝒀𝒐𝒖Where stories live. Discover now