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As his friends crossed the entrance of the busy pub, Min Yoongi registered the crowded atmosphere, noticing the neon lights that were intermingling, the upbeat music playing in the background as it beckoned everyone to join the crowd in the centre of the packed dance floor.

Min Yoongi casted his eyes around the crowd as his friends chatted amongst each other, and he caught sight of a familiar face. Suddenly He found himself hesitating, unsure of whether he should approach him and maybe talk of what happened this morning or if he should avoid interacting with him.

After a brief moment of hesitation Min Yoongi broke off from his friends and began walking towards the counter. He had decided to engage in conversation with him.

He was indeed a blonde-haired dancer who was submerged in his thoughts and was holding a glass of Whiskey in his hand. The pianist took a seat in the vacant chair beside the dancer and inquired, –Are you doing alright?- Jimin's eyes met Min Yoongi's and a drunken grin crept across his face.

He had consumed quite a bit of alcohol, which had resulted in his speech being slurred and his reactions being slow. –Look who's here, what an honour to see you,- he laughed drunkenly, drinking his glass of whiskey down to its very bottom and requesting another drink from the bartender.

Min didn't have time to answer the dancer since his phone had rang again. He was short of time. Suddenly the thought of having the dancer close came to his mind, he was safe with him, right? Maybe this time nothing would happen. Maybe he should test it.

Jimin managed to somewhat get himself together, as he sat himself up and finally said –Forget about the nonsense from earlier today, okay,- Jimin spoke, as he shifted his position and made eye contact with Min Yoongi. However, the change in music managed to catch Jimin's attention. –I absolutely love this track,- the dancer expressed, his gaze settling on the pianist. –Come dance with me,- he invited with a wave, a hint of tipsiness still evident in his voice.

Yoongi's eyes drifted towards his watch and he came to the realisation that this moment might not last long; he had to choose between dancing or vanishing.

Yoongi's gaze settled upon Jimin's eyes, those beautiful orbs that could easily captivate and lure one in. The pianist could not resist their pull, as he was practically hypnotised and mesmerised by the dancer's morning stars.

Those eyes were driving him crazy.

The bar was a packed environment, people were crammed together so even if he disappeared into thin air, no one would really notice or care. –Don't worry, I won't allow you to slip away from me. It's just a little dance my dear- Jimin's slurred words echoed through the air, as he spoke with such conviction. As the bell rang a second time, Yoongi's nervousness increased.

If you were to leave me I would disappear Jimin.- He said losing his nerve.

-Nothing to fear. I won't let you get loose from my grasp,- the dancer uttered, as his alcohol-fueled voice made his promise sound all the more unreliable and uncertain. Jimin was not aware of Yoongi's problem.

Jimin had managed to grasp hold of the pianist's hands, and he was not allowing him to avoid any involvement with the dance. As the music began on the speakers, the dancer was determined to have Min Yoongi join him in the middle of the dance floor and dance with him for as long as the melody played and the beat continued.

As long as his body allowed him to dance, till the very end.

Jimin released his hold on the pianist and finished off the glass of whiskey that was sitting in his hand. As he looked around for Min Yoongi, he was astonished that he had managed to lose track of him, perhaps in his inebriated state. –I can't believe I actually lost you,- he muttered, trying to contain his laughter when he realised the ridiculous mistake he had committed.

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