yēe sìp sèe

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"It hurts." I whined.

"I haven't even touched it, Lalisa." Si-yu said as she put some ointment over my wound.

It was Saturday afternoon and Si-yu came over to my place 'cause she was worried about me. She was currently dressing my wound for me.

"You skipped school yesterday for a small scrape like this?" She asked as she wrapped a bandage around my knee.

"It is painful than it looks. I can't bend my knee properly because of it."

"Aigoo. You are such a baby."

I just stuck my tongue out at her. She chuckled and put aside the first aid box.

"What are you going to do on Monday? Are you going to show the video to the principal?" She asked as she sat beside me on the sofa.

"I want to. I mean I got a scrape which could leave a scar on my knee because of it, but I'll ask Hanbin first."

"Why do you even need to ask him? Hanbin will obviously say yes to it. He can finally get revenge."

"I know but still... I feel like I should ask him." I said.

Si-yu sighed.

"Thank god that you luckily ended up in front of Dwight though. What if they had caught you alone?" She said.

"I don't even want to think about what would have happened." I shuddered.

"Those two. I hope karma gets them. I mean chasing after you like that. I wish I could just..." Si-yu cursed them through clenched teeth as she punched the air.

I chuckled at her but stopped as I remembered something.

"What's wrong?"

"Just, you know. Those two are literally using Fakwayji. I overheard them saying they use her card to buy smokes and that's the only reason why they are friends with her."


"I feel bad for her. They were making fun of how she told them about her problems and all. Fakwayji is an asshole but she deserves better friends."

"Yeah. She deserves friends like Jennie. They used to be super tight but Fakwayji got distant after Jisoo came along. She doesn't like Jisoo." Si-yu said.

"But why?"

"Don't know. We have to ask Fakwayji to know why."

I slouched down my shoulder.

"How should I tell Fakwayji about this?" I asked.

"Tell Jennie about it. She'll warn Fakwayji." Si-yu replied.

"Oh, right! Aish. Why didn't I think of it on Thursday?" I scolded myself.


"Eo. Jennie and I had gone to the pa—" I bit my tongue midway.

"MWO?!" Si-yu exclaimed.

I cursed myself as I looked around trying to avoid her gaze.

"Lisa, you better complete that sentence."

"What sentence?" I tried to play dumb.

She gave me a warning glare. I let out a sigh.

"Jennie came to the store that day and asked me if I wanted to go to the park."


"I said okay 'cause it was closing time anyways so we went to the park and played around in the swings and slides." I said, smiling as I replayed the memory in my mind.

THE NEW GIRL || JenLisaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang