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298 24 5

I took my earphones off as I entered the school building. I walked up the stairs and smiled as I saw my three girls. I ran towards them and hugged them.

"Did you reach home alright yesterday?" A-seo asked.

"Yeah. Si-yu dropped me off right in front of my place." I replied.

"We should get together on the weekend like this more often. It was so fun even though I had bad headache when I woke up." Ye-ha said.

We stayed over at Jungkook's like we planned. And as soon as they woke up, they were groaning and cursing. I had to take care of them the whole morning.

After having breakfast at Jungkook's, we decided to return to A-seo's where we ate dinner at.

"Oh, A-Seo-yah. Can you tell Namjoon to bring my jacket from Jungkook's? I left it at the room we stayed at." I said.

"Why don't you tell Jungkook yourself? You guys got along pretty well. I bet you exchanged numbers." Ye-ha teased.

"Yaah. What are you saying?" I whined.

"You two seem really comfortable with each other." A-seo teased.

"It's not like that."

"You guys don't tease her. She has Jennie, remember?" Si-yu gave me a knowing smile.

"Oh, right. Sorry. Totally forgot." Ye-ha said.

"Of course. How stupid of me. Jennie and Lisa is the ultimate." A-seo chuckled.

I blushed furiously.

"Yaah, shut up." I groaned as I looked around if anyone heard anything.

We talked some more about random stuffs before going to our classes. Ye-ha and I entered our classroom and sat for our first class of the day.


"Finally." Ye-ha said as she stretched her back.

School for the day was over. I packed my bag and stood up. I had to go fast 'cause I had work today.

We walked out of our classroom and met with A-seo and Si-yu at the corridor. We were chatting as we walked down the stairs and some girls ran pass us as they shouted "It's Jungkook."

We frowned as we saw student all flock outside the door. We walked slowly through the crowd and I stopped in my tracks. I stared at him in confusion as he was standing there.

"Lalisa, I was looking for you." Jungkook said as he saw me.

"Me?" I asked.

He nodded. He had a bag in his hand as he walked over to me.

"Here. It's your jacket that you forgot at mine." He handed me over the bag.

"Oh, thank you." I took the bag from his hand.

There was an awkward silence after that. I looked at Jungkook who just stood there smiling at me. I was about to say something when I heard some shuffling from behind. I turned around to see it was Jennie and others.

Jennie stared at Jungkook with furrowed eyebrows and then at me.

"Kim Jennie, long time no see." Jungkook smiled at her.

"What are you doing inside our school's ground?" Jennie said in a serious tone.

"Is that how you greet your old friend?"

"Friend, my ass. I asked what are you doing in here?!" Jennie shouted.

"Chill, dude. I am not here to fight." Jungkook said.

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