yēe sìp sŏng

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I walked up the stairs with slacked shoulder. I finally reached home after another long run. Staying over at Lalisa's was not an option as I hadn't brought my uniform with me. I let out a yelp as I opened my bed room door.

Sana was sitting on my bed with her hands folded and legs crossed. She glared at me as I shut the door behind me.

"What are you doing here at this hour?" I asked.

"What are you doing coming home at this hour?" She replied with a question.

I stared at her.

"Where did you go? Your mom said you went out for a walk. But you were gone for like hours."

I had stayed at the store for a while just chatting with Lalisa. She had some stuffs to unbox and put it on the racks so I decided to help her with it. I completely forgot about the time.

"I met with the girls so I stayed with them for awhile." I lied.

She looked like she didn't believe me but she didn't pester further about it.

"I came 'cause I really wanted to talk with you. It was hard not talking to you. I really missed you." She smiled at me.

I just stared at her as I didn't know what to say and how to react. I wanted to tell her I missed her too but that would be a lie. Honestly, this past month, it made it even more clearer that my feelings for her were gone.

"Did you miss me?" Sana asked.

I sighed.

Her smile dropped.

"Of course, you didn't."

I felt like douche but it was the truth.

"You were all I thought about but you—Tell me. What did I do wrong? What is it, huh? You don't like my hair? Do I need to lose weight?"

"You don't need to change anything." I said.

"Then what is it?! How can you suddenly say you lost feelings for me? Didn't you tell me you love me?"

"We were kids back then, Sana. I didn't know what love is. Heck, I still don't know what love is."

"What? So, you woke up and realized you didn't like me anymore?"

"No, I gradually noticed it. I noticed how I didn't feel the happiness I used to feel when I am with you. Holding hands and all, I did it just so I wouldn't hurt your feelings. I care for you as a friend and that is the furthest my feeling can go for you now. I can't give you what you want. You deserve better than me, Sana. Someone who won't have to fake it. Someone who genuinely feels for you." I said.

She stared at me as took in a deep breath.

"It's for the best for us to separate."

"Easy for you to say. You lost feelings, not me." She snapped.

I just stared at her as I didn't know what to say.

"Tell me something honestly, do you like someone else?" She asked.

I froze. Lalisa popped in my head. Do I like her? Even I didn't know the answer to that.


"You should go home now. It's really late." I walked to the door and opened it.

She seemed like she wanted to protest but she sighed and stood up. I walked her till her car that was parked outside. I opened the car door for her.

"I won't give up on us, Jennie. No matter what."

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