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I let out a sigh as I reached the apartment where I am staying at. I looked down at the stack of papers in my hand. I was collecting all the fliers that had a part time job written on it on my way home. I unlocked the door and walked in.

"I am home." I said to no one in particular.

My apartment consisted of two rooms and a bathroom. The two rooms being one. Once you get in through the main door sort of like a lounge room and the other one being my bedroom.

I dropped my backpack on the ground and laid down on the sofa that the land lady was kind enough to give me.

I took off the school blazer and dragged myself towards my bedroom. As soon as I open the door, I doves towards my bed and let out a sigh of content as I felt the soft comforter beneath me.

I heard my phone's ringtone blasting from my blazer's pocket. It's probably mom, I thought. I felt too worn out to go pick up the call. I just ignored it as I stared up at the ceiling. She called several more times but I continue to ignore it. I sighed for like the hundredth time.

"Looks like she gave up." I said to myself.

It wasn't only that I felt lazy but I felt ashamed. I told her I wanted to be independent and all before coming here but here I am paying the rent with the money she sends me, buying food from the money she sends me, transportation fee from the money she sends, everything is from the money she sends me. I felt so frustrated. So much about standing on my own feet.

Tears started filling my eyes but I blinked it away.

You made this decision, Lisa. You chose this. You can't give up so easily. You knew it was going to be hard. You can endure this. You are going to find a part time job and be able to pay at least for your own food.

"I can do this!" I said out loud.

I got up from bed and undress. I got in the bathroom and freshen up then slipped into my pyjama since I'm not going anywhere else and it's going to be night time anytime soon.

I grabbed my phone as I headed towards the lounge area and as well grabbed the stack of fliers I had collected.

I tied my hair up and started calling the numbers that are indicated in the fliers.

I sighed. Majority of the places had already hired someone else or didn't fit in my time schedule. I rubbed my face with my hands as I let out my frustration.

"Why is nothing going right?"

I looked over at the small open kitchen at the side of the lounge room and saw packets of ramyun sticking out from the grocery bag.

My stomach growled.

"Aish. How can you be hungry in a situation like this?" I scolded myself.

"Aigoo! You really have no shame, Lalisa." I muttered as I got up and walked towards the stove.

I pulled out a pot from the cabinet and put water. I turn on the stove and placed the pot over the fire. I emptied the grocery bag and started placing the items in the cabinet. I took a pack of spicy seafood ramyun but my stomach protested.

"Yah, we need to last these ramyun for atleast a week." I said but my stomach growled again.

"Aish, arraseo." I gave in as I took another packet of ramyun.

"Lalisa, what are you really doing with your life? You are talking with your own stomach." I mumbled as I open the packets and put in the noodles.

After a few minutes, the ramyun was done. I held the pot with a potholder and put it down on the small low table that I had. I grabbed a pair of chopstick and a small bowl before sitting down. I smiled in content as I took the first bite.

I finished it off in a matter of minutes. I quickly cleaned up as I had homework to do and I have to study as well.

Speaking of homework, I remembered school.

Why is my life so complicated?

I gloomily opened my bag and took out my books. If it weren't for Ye-ha, A-seo and Si-yu who knows what could have happened. I acted all mighty guy at the heat of the moment but if I had shouted and Fakway Ji had heard it, I couldn't have done anything. I am neither strong nor do I have witt to shut her up.

They were right. I would have made the situation worse not only for myself but the girl too.

I recalled what I did earlier, I was just scared when I heard what they said so I kind of over reacted.

I should apologize to them tomorrow or should I just ignore them? I mean would they still be friends with me once they find out I am a scholarship student too?

I dropped my head down and reluctantly lifted it back up as there were lots of homework to do especially for me since I had some catching up to do as well.

After hours, I finally finished studying. I stretched my back and arms after I put my books away. I checked the time and it was already way past midnight. I got up and walked to my room with slumped shoulders. I laid down on the bed and got under the covers.

I'll just keep quiet about my scholarship. That seems like the most logical thing to do. They haven't asked me if I am a scholarship student or not. I will just not tell them until they find out or something.

That's not considered lying... right?

I let out a frustrated scream as I rolled around my bed.

Whatever. I am just going to keep a low profile and act like any other student. If luck's on my side, I'll get through this without anyone knowing.

With that last thought, I shifted into a comfortable position and closed my eyes letting sleep take over me.

But the thing was, luck is never on my side.

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