33-the elders.

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Sloane POV

After finding the transfer spell I went to find the humans. They were sitting outside when I approached.

"Okay let's do this." I say.

"Why?" Maude asks.

"Do you want your little gal pals to die there?" I ask. "No? I didn't think so." I say holding out my arm waiting for Suki to take it.

"You don't even care about us so why does it matter if we die out there or not?"

"Because it matters to you, if they die a piece of you will too." I say before grabbing Stephanie's arm.

"So what? You're trying to bond with us because you know death or because you'll soon meet yours?" Maude asks.

"Maude!" Suki hisses.

I finish her transfer before giving the boys both of my arms.

"I just don't want you to live the pain and the regret that there was something someone could've done but no one did." I say before closing my eyes and saying the incantation.

I open my eyes before giving her my full attention.

"I may be a bastard Maude but I'm not a piece of shit. The fact that people are dying is why I'm doing this."

"Oh please spare me. The minute you dropped here you took charge. You just waltzed in with your badassery and your equally cool friends. You command respect at a mere look then you insulted me and my friends and I still...thought you were cool and wanted you to like me and think I'm brave for doing all of this when I would much rather be at home!" She said panting, her cheeks a little flushed.

"Is that what this is about? You want me to like you so you can feel better about yourself?" I ask smirking. "If I didn't would you see yourself as less? Why do I matter so much to you little human?" I ask holding her chin with my finger as I stare into her eyes.

"Sloane!" I turn and walk towards my aunt.

"Oh you're done? Let's get going then." I say walking to Dusk.

"We're riding on that!?" She asks and Dusk huffs.

"This is my child and yes." I say.

She sighs before turning back to the humans.

"You guys meet the Orcs in the training yard, we'll join you as soon as we get back." She says and I watch them go.

I chuckle a bit as I help Addy on Dusk.

"What's that about?" She asks.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I say. "Now where are we headed?"

"The tower on the Willowmore mountain." She says.

Dusk takes off and Addy screams into my back as she soars in the air. It doesn't take too long when we reach the mountain.

She halts and we jump off and she hovers.

"She doesn't trust em, rightfully so." I say as we walk toward the door.

I open it and walk through the dimly lit passage way.

"Not creepy at all." Addy says.

"Be on guard, who knows how they'll react." I say.

"This isn't my first rodeo, don't worry about me." She says with a smile.

I shake my head as we hear sounds. We sneak up against the door before kicking it wide open. We find the Elders sitting there with hands clasped together in prayer.

I march forward and grab the one in the middle.

"You're going to tell us everything you know, if you want to live to see us succeed." I say before dropping him and turning to the rest. "Everybody stop your shit and pay attention!" I yell.

"You know how I can reach the Aether realm so tell us." I say.

"And why would I do such an absurd thing?" The man I grabbed said.

I grab all of them with a blood tendril and force them to their knees, down at my feet.

"Because I think you've pissed me off enough."


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