23- new to me too.

6 1 0

Sloane POV

I whistle and indicate to the lands and we all head down.

"I think we should rest for a bit so then when we meet Moon or your friends we're 100%." I say.

"Alright, we'll gather some wood for a fire." Varona says.

I take a seat and Dusk curls behind me. Her head on my right. The rest soon joins us and I throw a flame to keep us warm.

"Nice." Isis says.


There's a beat of silence before Lotus perks up.

"Have you guys been this far from home before?" She asks softly.

"Yeah Ice and I would run errands for Falconia all the time. The only difference is we're actually meeting people." She says glancing at Zeph.

"Yeah, I left home a few years ago and was training with them. It was obviously different due my lack of wings but meeting leaving was a daily for me." Varona said.

"I've been almost everywhere being a changeling has its perks." Zeph says.

"And I'm guessing since you're the ring leader of this operation you've had just as many adventures?" Lotus says in my direction.

"Nope, I stayed in the castle my whole life. Never went outside, never made any friends so everything. Hells everyone is new to me too." I say.

"What? You seem so confident?" Zeph said.

"I mean yeah, I left when I was 15 then stayed with Xamira for a few years. She toughened me up." I finish.

"So why did you leave?" Lotus asks.

"I mean that's a pretty odd question. Our kingdoms are in danger and our seer had a predication that a human once gained abilities of her own would be the saviour or some bullshit." I say rolling my eyes. "Like what does she even know about us? How could I, ascendant of the throne. Sit back and leave my kingdom, my people in the hands of some kid. I didn't have the luxury of being starstruck." I finish.

"That's crazy!" Lotus said.

"How? I think it's pretty brave actually." Vic says.

"You left your home, your life-"

"-to help save yours. I was trapped in a cage, the only people I knew were the people in the castle. I didn't know anything beyond those walls and to be part of the greatest mage's legacy but mastering nothing never sat right with me." I said.

"What if you die?" Lotus asks.

"Then I die, knowing I did everything I could. I'll die knowing I was there and I'll die knowing my life meant something to everyone." I say.

"What was the prophecy?" Zeph asks.

"The beginning of the end shall arrive. Rebel forces will lead the demise to Morelia as well as earth. Only once the liberator of lands awakens shall the tide in the battle of the 7 lands tip. The spirit sovereign shall defeat the enemies and bring peace amongst the lands once again."

"You learnt that?" Isis asks.

"I mean it was pretty crazy once you think about it. I couldn't get it out of my head for weeks." She said.

"That's not what Cordelia said." I say.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean it's not surprising that a seer prediction isn't always absolute but from my memory the prophecy she told us was. 'Once she awakens the hells will rain on the lands. Both humans and Morelians alike will suffer until she masters her newfound powers.' " I finish.

"Well regardless neither of them say anything about a human." Zeph says.

"Yeah well my aunt figured it was a human when Cordelia mentioned the involvement of humans and her newfound powers. It has to be." I say.

"Or maybe it doesn't." Lotus says.


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