21-the favour.

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Sloane POV

My vision was white and I felt calm.



You can accomplish your goals if you forage your own path. Your leadership, your intellect, your fight is no one's but your own.

Maverick's daughter you may be, but Cerise Nightshade is your own glory.

I gasp as I hold my chest and my vision starts to clear. I take deep breaths as I take in my surroundings.

"What in Andromeda?" I ask looking around.

Soon I feel a glass on my lips and I gulp it down, calming myself.

"Are you alright?" Tempest asks.

"Yeah, I-I'm fine." I say attempting to stand up.

Zeph lets me lean on him for support while I gather my thoughts.

"Firstly, where's Dusk and secondly all that thing did was show me a voice." I say.

"We found her, she's in the clouds waiting for you." Vic said.

"Now what voice?" Tempest asked.

"I don't know, it was a woman's for sure. And she said  my accomplishments are my own and not because I'm my father's daughter yada yada yada. She didn't say anything important." I finish.

"If that's the case maybe you can head to Sirion in hopes that Moon might assist you. She and your father spent quite some time together so I'm assuming she has some sort of idea on how to help you." Tempest finishes.

"And if not, I know an elf or two that could." Varona says. "They're also in Sirion." She finishes.

"Alright, thanks. Now what was that favor you wanted?"

"I want to see the rest of them." She says.

"Okay." I lean off of Zeph and look out of their window.

I give a very loud whistle and soon enough my magnificent beast is hovering there.

"You alright to ride on one of these bad boys?" I ask.

"This is nothing compared to what I did back in the day." She said with a smirk before tuning to Lotus and Florina. "I need one of you to accompany Ms Cerise on her mission while the other one gets the pod ready until I make my return." She says and both girls begin talking at once.

"We're just nymphs, how can one of us go on a dangerous mission that could possibly get us killed!" Lotus says.

"This is my fault, I lead you to believe that being a nymph is no more than just parties, healing and being a recluse. You are not just nymphs, you are elemental sirens. Dangerous and fearsome creatures Lotus and don't ever let anyone make you feel like you cannot bring as much as they can." She says putting her hand on her shoulder.

She nods before looking at me.

"I'm coming with you."

"Alright, let me just drop her off then we're good to go." I say putting my foot on the railing and holding my hand out to Tempest.

She takes it as Dusk comes closer and we land on her back. She roars as we fly back to Vadronian territory.

At the sound of her screeches Falconia and the rest come out.

"Is there trouble?" She asks.

"No, just a visitor." I say as Tempest hops off.

Falconia's eyes looked as if they were about to jump out of her head.

"You're kidding me." She said. "You really came here?"

"Yes and I was hoping I could join the little reunion." She says with a small smile.

Falconia leaps onto her and the two tumble, a bundle of laughs as they embrace.

"Guys!" Soon Vhaerun and Xamira come out, weapons gleaming before spotting me safe and sound.

"Where's the danger?"

"No danger, just that." I say point down.

They saw the two and immediately ran up to them joining the bundle.

"Wait before I forget. Cerise, this is for you." Tempest says holding out her picture.

As I lay it out with the others it reattachs itself.

"5 down, 2 more to go."


The Fall of KingdomsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora