17-struck by reality.

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Sloane POV

I met back with everyone who give me determined looks.

"You guys ready?" I ask.

"Y-yeah." Isis says.

I raise a brow.

"Why are you really coming?" I ask.

"Because you're brave, and I want to be brave even in the eyes of death and the heart of fear, like you I guess. I want to be brave and choose to fight every step of the way." She says.

"Oh well thanks. Let's hope not to die." I say with a shrug.

"Sloane, don't say that." She says playfully pushing into me.

"I'm kidding but let's go, this festival won't be crashed by itself." I say.

"Where's your dragon?"

"I put an invisibility cloak on her. I can see her since I'm the one who made that potion but I didn't think it would be wise to be walking around with a dragon that grows by the hour. Which none of you mentioned by the way." I say giving them an eye.

"It slipped my mind honest. We were more surprised you got one in the first place." She says and I roll my eyes.

We made it to the foyer where Vhaerun, Falconia and Mira were waiting for us.

"You guys have everything you need?" Falconia asks stepping to the girls.

"You sure you're ready?" Vhaerun asks Varona.

"You're doing good kid." Mira says putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks timer." I say.

"Now be careful and look after those girls. But also look after yourself. Sakaris needs their protector." She says.

"I promise, send for me if you need anything okay? I'll come running." I say.

She wraps me in a hug before I turn to Vhaerun.

"Look after my sister." He says with a gentle smile.

"Promise." I say and he wraps me in a hug.

I hesitantly turn to Falconia who has a smirk on her face.

"I'm still on the fence about you." I say.

"Understandable, but I want you to have this." She hands me a piece of paper and I unfold it to find her small smiling face.

I open my page and bring out the other pieces.

"So I'm guessing Moon, Lake and Tempest have the rest of this?" I ask.

"Who are they?"

"Moon's from Sirion, Lake is a changeling and Tempest is a nymph." Vhaerun explains.

"So you're the only nobility? I thought the whole squad was." I ask.

"I mean we all have ties ours are just more direct but then again we haven't seen them in over a decade so who knows what's going there." I say.

"Fair but don't worry I'll collect them all." I say.

"Confidence is key, goodluck Cerise." Falconia says sticking her hand out.

"Sloane, I prefer Sloane." I say taking it.

"Well goodluck Sloane and take care of each other ladies. You're all you've got." She says and we nod.

They give us hugs again and we depart.

"So how are we going to get down?" Varona asks.

"I thought it was obvious." Isis says before throwing her off.

"Vic don't you dare!" I say but I already feel the wind sharply flowing around me.

Dusk comes to my assistance carrying me on her small back just as Vic grabs my arms. I hold Dusk between my legs as we head down.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I say as we land.

I pet Dusk on her side before turning to Vic.

"I'm gonna kill you." I tell her.

She bolts and I follow her in the direction. Soon we both stop as we see laughter and hear splashing.

The other two catch to us and we all kinda gawk at the beautiful nymphs enjoying themselves.

"So how are we going to do this?"


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