11- hurry up.

8 1 0

Sloane POV

I crept out the back and circled through the front, coming out of an alley way before grabbing our party.

"What's going on?" Varona asks.

"We've been made, those humans stayed longer than they needed to and asked other questions. The bookstore told them about you and now they're on their way to the inn where they're going to be told that Sloane and her orc friend were seen with the Prince Ivor and are hiding the lost princess of Sakaris!" I say.

"Is there any way to hurry it up?" Xamira asks.

"I-i can try summoning them but I doubt-"

"Do it." The rest of us say.

She takes out a flute and plays a weird almost silent tune.

Soon enough two people materialize beside us in orange cloaks.

"Grab hold." I say before grabbing onto the cloaked figures and beckoning Varona.

She played the tune again and soon I felt a strong gust of wind.

"Woah." I say looking around me.

"Varona! What is the meaning of this?"

"No time, where is Falconia?" I say.

They scoff before completly ignoring me.

"Fine I'll just find her myself." I say turning on my heel and marching into the temple in the sky.

They soon scrambled after me standing in my way.

"Oh you're done bickering?" I say crossing my arms.

"What business do you have with her highness?"

"Falconia wants me? I'm here now let me see her." I say.

"She wants Cerise."

"Who do you think you're talking to?" I say lifting a brow. "Glamour magic." I say.

"Prove it." The one says.


"All of our water is enchanted. Step into that fountain." She says.

I shrug before lifting my shirt over my head and walking over to the fountain. I bend down and scoop a handful before splashing my face. Having only a few droplets getting onto my pants.

I turn back to them and they gasp.

"She really does look like him." I heard Vhaerun say.

"Enough proof for you?" I ask slipping my shirt back on.

They say nothing but beckon us to follow them.

"You can get cleaned up here, there will be clothes laid out for you when you're done."

Varona departs as well and the three of us strip into the water.

"This is soo soothing." I say sinking deeper into the water.

"How does it feel being back in your own skin after all these years?" Xamira asks.

"I don't know, it doesn't feel like anything. But then again I haven't actually seen myself in the mirror maybe then it'll click." I say.

"How do you think it'll go?" Vhaerun says.

"What actually happened? Why is she sour with you guys but you're still cool with each other?" I ask.

"Grief changes people and with her it tightened her heart. That's why she wants to save you, so she doesn't lose him again. And maybe herself in the process."


We were escorted into a room. I saw 2 girls on either side of the room.

Both Vhaerun and Xamira stood in front of me so they could get the screaming match out of the way.

"I knew she said you were coming but to see you in the flesh. You have the nerve." I heard a voice say.

"You were never going to get to her without us Falconia." Vhaerun said.

"It is Queen Falconia now. You know that." She said.

"And you know I'm not calling that. Just because you forgot us doesn't mean we forgot you, we tried everyday for years-"

"That's enough!" She yelled. "You can both leave while Cerise stays."

I push forward before either of them could say anything.


A/N: Vadronians have a mix of a Russian and Ukrainian accent and are 5'10-6'0
Ivorians are more English and also stand above 6ft.
And Orcs have a bit of a piratey accent especially when it comes to the word "you" = "yer", standing at 6'3ft plus.
Sakarians and other earth based creatures vary in height but they don't reach 6'3 +.

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