19-the nymph in the tide pool.

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Sloane POV

"And how'd you go about that?" I ask.

"Duh I can change into a nymph."

"You're a guy, all the male nymphs are down south. She'll know something's off." I say.

"Okay let's stage an attack. You fall right into the tide pool and hopefully she helps." Varona says.

"Hopefully being the key word here." I say. "Alright, who's gonna make me bleed?" I ask.

"I can try a spell, Dusk can fly us up. I cast the spell and you fall." Varona says.

"Alright, then you guys come in after she saves me." I say.

"Wait you want it to be real?" Zeph asks.

"Yeah otherwise she's gonna see right through it, just don't kill me." I tell Varona.

I dig back into my pouch and bring out the antidote for the invisibility potion. I sparkle some on top of Dusk and she shakes it off.

"Damn you're so big now." I say.

She bends down and the two of us climb onto her before she flies adjacent from the pool then into the clouds right above it.

"Okay how we gonna do-" before I could even finish my sentence I felt blistering pain.

I look down at my chest and see blood trickling down as Dusk and Varona become smaller. I hit the water before it all goes dark.


I gasp sitting up before hissing in pain.

I look down and see a bandage.

"Where am I?"

"Cave, I couldn't take you home so I brought you here." I turn and see the water nymph from earlier.

"Where are my friends?"

"Outside, I'll call them for you." She says and minutes later my friends and Zeph arrive.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Isis says hugging me.

I hug her back while staring dagger at Varona.

'It worked.' she mouthed but I still continued to scowl.

"Yeah but where's the nymph? I wanna thank her." I say.

She steps forward and sits on the makeshift bedding.

"Thank you for saving me." I tell her.

"It's no problem, what happened to you if I may ask?"

"I honestly don't know, one minute I was standing then the next minute someone cast a spell and all I felt was pain." I say.


"So what's the verdict doc? Am I good to go?"

"Not yet, you're still in pain because I couldn't fully heal you. So I'm going to try again tomorrow when I've gained more strength." She says.

"No nymph friends to come help? Sorry it's just I'm on a time sensitive clock right now." I say.

"Unfortunately not but you'll be out here in no time." She says standing up.

"Thanks again and good night." I say as she leaves us.

As soon as she left I took a rock and threw it at Varona.

"What the hell was that?!" I ask.

"You said make it real so I did!"

"You could've given me some kind of warning. Evanora!" I say huffing but the pain in my chest made me wheeze.

"So now what?"

"I have an idea." I say.


"In order for the other two Nymphs to come, we need all the nymphs to know that I'm here." I say.

"How're you gonna do that?" Isis asks.

"That's where you come in, make sure you change into nymph and they all see you come into this cave. By morning we'll be met with the King or Queen, which I'm hoping is Tempest or is related to her." I say.

"That sounds dangerous." Isis says.

"Maybe, but nymphs are malicious not violent. The most they'd do is send us to their most dangerous pet which won't be too hard." I finish.

"Okay but you better be right." He says before leaving.

"Dusk, keep an eye on him."


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