Game night

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Lucy got to her house and went inside with her kids. After 20 minutes Tim still wasn't there, and she got concerned. She thought he wasnt going to come when she heard a knock on the door.
H-"Ill get it"
L-"Harley you have to look first"
H-"Mum, it's Tim"
L-"Then open it"
Harley opened the door and let Tim in.
T-"Hey guys"
H-"Hi, come on in this is our house, want a tour"
T-"That's ok, I'll get one later"
H-"Is that pizza in your hand"
T-"Yes, there's pepperoni, cheese"
L-"There better not be any pineapple"
T-"What am I a psychopath"
L-"I don't know"
H-"Can you 2 stop flirting and hurry up I want pizza and to play games"
T-"You heard the kid, stop flirting with me and let's get playing"
Tim Lucy and Harley all walked to the couch where Violet was.
V-"Can we ask questions now"
L-"Sure go ahead"
H-"Tim, do you have any kids, like a son, that's about 8?"
T-"No I do not"
V-"My turn. Mum, what happened with dad"
Lucy looked at Tim
L-"Umm, so as you know I was 16 when I had you 2, so was your dad, he didn't want you guys so he left, my parents also kicked me out to I was in a homeless shelter, while I was working and going to school while also pregnant, I had you 2 and I was finally able to get a house for us. It was just us 3 for 3 years, until your dad came back, so I let him come into our lives, after a month, while we were all asleep he stabbed you both, I woke up to you 2 screaming in pain, when I walked up to you guys he stabbed me, he then called 911 and turned himself in"
V-"Is that why I have a scar on my stomach"
L-"Yes and why Harley and I have a scars on our back"
H-"I'm sorry mum for yelling at you and blaming you, I didn't know that's what happened, thank you"
L-"Come here I love you so much and I'll love you even when you yell at me"
H-"Thanks mum"
L-"Is it my turn to ask a question"
H-"No it's mine I have a really good question"
L-"Go ahead"
H-"My questions for Tim"
T-"Go ahead"
H-"Do you love my mum, like really love her?"
Tim looked at Lucy then at Harley.
V-"Well do you, like do you really, really love her?"
T-"In the day that I've known your mum I've learnt more about her then I have with any other rookie. I've also loved her more in the day then I did my ex wife, so yes I do love her"
H-"I didn't need a whole cringe thing"
L-"Harley, why are you so rude"
V-"Can I ask a question"
V-"Mum, do you love Tim"
Lucy looked directly into Tim's eyes.
L-"Yes I do, I really love him"
Tim kissed Lucy on the lips
L-"Sorry guys"
H-"Mum, is Tim your boyfriend"
L-"Umm, Harley I think it's time for bed"
H-"No, I wanna stay up"
L-"No, you can go to school tomorrow your sister can't so let's take you both to bed"
Lucy went to their room with them and put them to bed. After 10 minutes she came out to Tim.
T-"Do they always take that long to put to bed"
L-"Violet no, Harley yes, every single time"
T-"Ok, well I think I'm gonna head out"
T-"Did you want me to stay"
L-"Those are your words not mine but yes"
T-"Ok, I'll stay"
L-"Thank you, now what movie do you want to watch"
T-"Any that you want"
Lucy puts on a movie and cuddles into Tim
L-"Did you mean what you said tonight, that you love me"
T-"Yes I did, I really do love you"
L-"Enough that we can go to my bedroom"
They went to the bedroom and ifykyk. After 3 hours they cuddled in Lucy's bed and went to sleep.

~In the morning~
Harley woke up and went to Lucy's room
L-"Harley I'll come make you food just go out so Tim and I can get dressed"
H-"Did Tim sleep over last night"
L-"Yes he's right next to me, so go out and close the door so we can get dressed"
H-"Ok, thank you bye"
Harley left the room and closed the door.
L-"Tim, get up and get dressed otherwise that kids gonna see everything"
T-"What you don't like it"
L-"No, I love it but I don't want my 8 year olds to see it"
T-"I know, I know"
Lucy and Tim both get dressed. Tim goes to leave the room but gets pulled back by Lucy. Lucy gives him a kiss and hugs him.
T-"You really can't go that long without physical touch"
L-"Oh shut up, I won't get to do it all day at work"
Lucy and Tim both stepped out of the bedroom. Lucy went to the kitchen and got eggs and bacon out.
L-"Harley, V you both want eggs and bacon"
H-"And toast with butter"
L-"Ok I'll cook that"
T-"I'll come and help you"
L-"well thank you"
Tim and Lucy cooked the breakfast then bought it over and ate with Violet and Harley. After breakfast they all finished getting ready.

~With Tim and Lucy~
T-"Did you want to tell Grey and Captain Anderson today"
T-"Well I'm done getting ready and we don't want it to look suspicious so I'll see you there"
Tim gave Lucy a kiss and Hug. He walked to his truck and drove to the station. Lucy finished getting ready and went to check on her kids. They were ready so they all got into her car. She dropped Harley off at school then went to the station.

Her and Violet walked into the station and Grey saw them.
G-"Morning Lucy, is this Violet"
L-"Yeah, she's not able to be at school for a month so while I'm trying to find someone to look after her she's gonna have to be here is that ok"
G-"Of course"
L-"Thank you"
G-"No problem, Violet why don't you come with me to my office so your mum can go on patrol"
L-"Thank you, V heres $50 to buy yourself food"
V-"Thanks mum"
Lucy walked to the locker rooms and got changed then went to find Tim. She found him and walked up to him.
T-"Hey, so when are we going to talk to Grey"
L-"I don't know but he offered to take V so I let him"
T-"You ready to go"
They left the station and went on patrol.

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