「 13 」

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"How do you know so much about... you know?"

TJ asked as she fell into step beside Emily, careful not to blurt the word werewolves out loud. The hallways were bustling now with students, there was no telling who could be listening. They were headed to TJ's locker so she could grab her bag and the right books for the day ahead, and then they'd find Scott.

"My brother, he's like Scott."

TJ was surprised at her openness, and cast a sideways look at Emily. She was wary of her tone as she said, "I haven't seen him around."

"No, he's not... here."

It took a second longer for Emily to answer than it should have and the casualness of her tone was strained, which only confirmed TJ's suspicions. The grief in Emily's eyes, her determination last night to see if a certain someone was on the deadpool, the scar. It was starting to all fit together like a puzzle. TJ was also aware that Emily was using present tense, not past, to describe her brother.

"Grady, right?"

Emily's throat rolled but she nodded, not quite meeting TJ's eyes as the pair arrived at her locker. TJ made it quick; snatching her backpack, emptying yesterday's books and shoving today's in. She felt whole again as she slung it over her back, her phone sitting comfortably in the back pocket of her black jeans.

"I'm sorry, I know what it's like to lose someone." TJ said earnestly, as she snapped her locker shut. Her parents came to mind but she blinked them away.

Emily shook her head, a new resolve taking over. "He's not dead. Just... gone. I'm going to find my twin."

"Twin?" TJ echoed in surprise and Emily nodded. TJ didn't want to think about a boy version of Emily walking around, human or werewolf; they'd be a formidable force, that's for sure. "Is that why you asked if his name was on the deadpool?"

Emily nodded as they left TJ's locker, eyes scanning the crowd of students for a familiar crooked jaw and puppy dog eyes. "Yes, I think he's going to be on it."

"I thought the deadpool was only for people in Beacon Hills?"

Emily pursed her lips, probably deciding how much she should reveal. "I think he was here when it was made, and then left afterwards. He's running from something... but someone has been sending me blank postcards, and one of them came from here. Scott's been helping me figure everything out."

Was it TJ's imagination, or did Emily flush slightly at the mention of Scott's name?

"Wow, that's—"

"Wishful thinking?" Emily butted in, her shoulders pinched and tone developing a pre-emptive edge. She was in defence mode.

"Dedication. I was going to say dedication. I hope you find him." TJ said, looking away so Emily couldn't see the frown on her face. "If there was a chance my parents' were still alive, I'd never stop looking."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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