「 11 」

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Agonized screaming pulled TJ's mind to the surface and she stirred, her fingers twitching and legs jerking. Slowly, her mind groggy, she realized she was laying on a cold, steel table much like the one she had sat on that morning. Her eyes felt like they were lined with sand, her mouth was dry and tacky and her throat ached when she swallowed... but she was alive.

Everything that had happened came rushing back in flashes but the one that stood out most of all was Tracy, and how she had felt in TJ's arms as she brushed the stray hairs off her cheek. The memory made TJ feel unusually giddy and she squirmed, trying to think of something else. Forcing herself to sit up, she became aware of how stiff and heavy her body felt. A quick glance at her right hand showed that it had healed, and any cuts she might have received from smashing a beaker against Garrett's face were gone. Her lips curled into a half smirk as she recalled how outraged he had been.

The room she was in was very dark and small, and TJ guessed it might have been a storeroom or something of the like. There were empty animal cages piled high on the wall in front of her, and a door to her left that read EXIT. She was half tempted to slip out undetected, but her curiosity got the better of her and she gently stood up, gripping the medical table with cramping fingers, and let her body acclimate. Her head was heavy, her thoughts moving in slow motion, and TJ knew that if she moved too fast, she would fall over. She rolled the shoulder that had been previously injured, and was delighted to realize that it felt suspiciously fine. No pain at all.

Tentatively, she reached a hand over her shoulder. Her jacket had a jagged hole in it though, same with her tee, and she scowled at that. The jacket had been her mothers. If she ever saw Garrett again, she was going to make him regret messing with her.

Using her hands to help her stay upright, TJ edged her way towards the main room of the vet surgery and shuffled around the corner, surprised — but also not really — at the scene that was taking place. There was an unconscious boy on the floor, the same one that had been carried off the field and Liam had called Brett, and Stiles was hovering over him still wearing the underlayer of his lacrosse gear. Deaton was next to Stiles, holding a very sharp looking scalpel, and Derek was off to the side, looking sullen, but he looked relieved to see her up and about. There was a strange man standing in front of TJ though, and he whirled around to face her almost instantly.

One of his eyebrows rose very slowly as he inspected TJ, and the action made her very uncomfortable. He had strong features, similar to Derek's, but his face was sharper and his eyes looked darker, more dangerous even. The V-neck shirt he was wearing was definitely a size or two too small. He was staring at TJ like she was prey, or a plaything, and she made herself look away. She was almost nervous to walk past him.

As if he had read her mind, the man smiled in amusement. 

"Sleeping Beauty is awake." He drawled, and stepped aside smoothly.

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