-ˋˏ ༻Something You Know༺ ˎˊ-

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You were hesitant to accept Wally's invitation to go for a walk because of his eerie demeanor and the mysterious note you had received. But in this strange world, you also experienced a sense of curiosity and a need for clarification. "Yes, Wally." You tried to maintain your composure as you answered cautiously, "A walk sounds nice." Wally grinned more broadly and motioned for you to follow him as he began to meander through Welcome Home's vibrant streets.

You couldn't get rid of the sensation that someone was watching you as you walked beside him—as if the surroundings themselves were watching everything you did.

"So, Y/N, how are you finding Welcome Home so far?" Wally inquired casually, his tone masking any indication of the strange undertones you had detected earlier. "It's... different," you replied, choosing your words carefully. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything." Wally nodded, indicating understanding. "Yes, it can seem overwhelming at first. But I can assure you that Welcome Home grows on you."

As you continued to walk, you couldn't help but notice the neighborhood's peculiarities. The houses appeared to have a life of their own, with vibrant colors and whimsical designs. However, an underlying sense of unease persisted in the air.

"Wally, can I ask you something?" You eventually spoke up, unable to contain your curiosity any longer. "Of course, Y/N. Ask away," Wally said cheerfully, turning his attention to you. "What's the deal with these letters I've received? And who is ⊑⍜⋔⟒?" you asked, hoping for clarification. Wally's expression remained unchanged, but you noticed a subtle change in his demeanor. "Ah, those letters. They are a means of communicating between one neighbor and another. I'm not sure what ⊑⍜⋔⟒ stands for. But don't worry; they don't mean any harm."

You weren't completely convinced by Wally's hazy explanation, but you decided to ignore it for now. After all, you were still attempting to navigate this strange world. As you and Wally continued your walk, you couldn't shake the feeling that Welcome Home was more than just what you saw. And with each passing moment, you were drawn deeper into its mysterious embrace, unsure of what secrets it held or what fate awaited you in this strange neighborhood.

Wally kept an optimistic disposition as he led you down the winding paths, but his cryptic responses to your questions fueled your curiosity even more. ⊑⍜⋔⟒ remained a puzzle you couldn't quite solve, and the letters you received added to the air of mystery surrounding Welcome Home.

As you walked, you noticed subtle changes in your surroundings. Shadows appeared to flicker and dance where they shouldn't, and whispers echoed through the air, barely audible but undeniably present.

"Wally, do you ever feel like there's something off about this place?" You asked, unable to suppress the unease in your voice.

Wally looked at you, his expression briefly flickering with something unreadable before returning to its usual joviality. "Oh, I don't think so, but, that's all part of the charm." However, his reassurances did little to alleviate the growing sense of dread within you. Something wasn't right about this whole thing but this seemed to normal to him, and you couldn't shake the suspicion that Wally knew more than he revealed.

After a few minutes of silence, Wally began speaking in a casual tone but with subtle words. "You're probably wondering how you ended up here... It's a unique place, you know. A place where dreams and reality intersect." You listened intently, attempting to piece together fragments of your memories. "I remember...something about a hand reaching out to me," you confessed, hoping Wally would shed some light on the situation. Wally nodded with a thoughtful expression. "Ah, yes. They call it "the Hand of Fate." It's what brought you here—to this liminal space. But do not worry, my dear neighbor, for you are not alone. We are all here to help you."

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