Part 10

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I get back to my apartment after hanging out with Daniel. I get changed into real clothes and get my bag and stuff for classes ready.

The day goes on slowly, dragging like an anchor. Daniel was In class but was late and there were no open seats by me for him, which seemed to make the day go by even slower. Once I got home I changed back into comfy clothes and flopped onto my bed. I want to sleep! My phone buzzes on my wooden coffee table in the corner. I try with everything in me to reach it without getting up but inevitably fail by falling onto my floor, face first instead. Daniel texted!

Daniel: Do you have the last page of notes? I spilled water on mine and it's not worth saving lmao

Really?! Nothing at all about this morning?

Me: Yeah I do

Daniel: Thank you!

Me: ofc

Daniel: Are you okay

Me: Yeah, why?

Daniel: Just wondering
Daniel: Just so you know I rly enjoyed hanging out with you this morning
Daniel: I dont get to do that often with my schedule
Daniel: Anytime if ur up early again and can't fall back asleep you should give me a call

Me: I enjoyed it too, next time I am buying though.

Daniel: Not happening.

Daniel: Oh and hey, are we still on for tonight?

Me: Yeah, I just have some stuff to do first but I'll come over after
Me: What dorm are you in?

Daniel: Meet me outside the diner by ur place instead?

Me: Okay! sounds good :)

I take a quick nap and hop into a hot shower afterward, making sure I smell as good as I possibly can.

Running a comb through my waves I take deep breaths, reminding myself that I am just going over there to study. He is a boy, and that is scary but it's just for school.

It was all so awkward at first but quickly got a lot more comfortable once Dan opened his mouth. He has a way with words that makes you forget you're scared.

I got home pretty late that night.I went straight to bed once I walked in the apartment door. That morning though, I got a message from Daniel telling me good morning and that I left my rings at his place. He then asked if he could bring them over. Crap. He and I went back and forth for a while. Truthfully, I was scared of what D might do if he saw a strange boy come into the apartment. Luckily for me, I found out that D and Daniel already know each other and are friends. So I agree to let Daniel come over. Because what's the worst that can happen?

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