Her jaw dropped. "You read all that."

Ian shrugged his shoulders. "Pretty much."

Prince Ian made his way over to the table, where he plopped down and grabbed one of the books. Catherine's gaze snapped from him to the pile of books and back. Well, she sat down and grabbed a book. I did ask.

Flipping through the pages, she glanced up to see Ian watching her. Widened eyes snapped back to his book. Catherine tilted her head before she went back to her own book. She was so focused on trying to read that she didn't hear the approaching footsteps.

"Once again, I find you among the library's books." Catherine's gaze snapped up to Prince Victor. His own eyes widened at the sight of her. "Princess Catherine." His gaze snapped back to Ian. "What's this? Hogging the beautiful princess to yourself?"

"Knock it off before I throw this book at your head."

Prince Victor snorted. "You wouldn't dare damage your precious books."

He plop down beside Ian who glared daggers at him. "What do you want, Vick?"

Vick? Eyes widened before Victor jabbed him sharply in the ribs. "Stop with that nickname." Ian groaned at the force of the jab. Before she could stop herself, Catherine giggled, earning both princes attention. Victor's scowl deepened as he leaned forward. "What are you even reading anyways?"

"She wants to learn about the founders of our kingdom."

Victor groaned before he placed his head down on the table. "Ugh, not that again. I thought I was done with history class."

Ian rolled his eyes before he regarded Catherine with a smirk. "So, have you learned anything yet?"

"I read something about the battle of Tantum."

"The battle of the founders." Ian folded his hands. "Una Tantum Stat which is translated to-"

"Only one remains." She translated. At their surprised look, she shrugged her shoulders. "You two aren't the only ones that got schooling. Though from the translation I'm guessing the two didn't get along."

"Not really, no." Ian sighed. "From the very first founders, twins have soon up in the family now and then. However, either one twin dies or the mother dies."

Oh. Catherine's eyes widened. Is that what happened to the queen? "Well, tell me about the first twins."

"Amerius and Naverius, both born when this kingdom was part of Conlis. They lead the journey to escape the tyrannical king's rule to the mountain range we're in now. When the king hunted them down, they raised an army and led the people to victory."

Ian pushed a book toward her. "But the people always loved Amerius more than Naverius. His jealousy grew and festered into hatred until he tried to poison him. Thankfully, someone found out and a civil war broke out between the kingdom. Naverius escaped into the mountain range, never to be seen again."

A groan snapped both of their gazes to a bored Victor. "And this is why I always slept through history. Nothing but boring facts and names I could care less about." Victor's words earned a glare from Ian.

"Rather deal with boring reports than Sir William and his drills."

"Sir William?"

"His sparring instructor." Victor's lips twitched. "Our father thinks poor little Ian spends too much time in the library reading and not enough time fighting."

Ian rolled his eyes and returned to his book. "What was the saying? That the pen is mightier than the sword."

"A sword can easily cut a pen in half so no, I think that saying is wrong." Ian's glare sharpened before he stood up. "Well, then I will take my reading to where annoying brothers with swords won't bother me." His gaze flickered to Catherine. "Are you coming as well, your highness?"

"Catherine is fine and I think I'll stay here a little longer."

Ian nodded. "Very well."

"I should be going to. Have soldiers to defeat and maidens to have fawn over me." Prince Victor bowed. "Farwell your highness, until I see your beautiful face again." Catherine raised an eyebrow as the princes left. Neither seem to care much about her choice being the one that controls their succession to the throne. And she couldn't tell if she was pleased or not.

Not wanting to dwell on it any longer, she returned to her books. The sun shifted overhead, yellow light turning to reddish gold when the sound of rushing drew her attention. Raising her head, Catherine squinted against the dark. "Hello?" She stood up. "Is someone there?"


Catherine jumped at the sound. Someone was here! She lowered herself to the ground. But where? Easing down the aisle, she turned a corner. "Hello?" Instead of a person, a book was laying on the ground, title side up.

Lowering herself to the ground, Catherine started through the aisle. Turning a corner, her eyes widened at the book laying on the ground. How did....

Movement flashed out the corner of her eyes. "Who's there?" Grabbing her dress, she took off after the figure. The shadow turned down another bookshelf aisle then another, always seemed to just be out of Catherine's reach.

Come on! Come on! "Stop!" She cried, bursting into the front of the library. Her gaze snapped around the empty room. Where- Click. Her gaze snapped to the fireplace. There. Kneeling down, she peered into the firebox. Some ash caked the walls but little seemed to actually cake the floor. Wait, didn't Ian light the fireplace earlier?

She reached in. Huh, no heat. She pulled her hand back. Maybe I just imagined it. Shaking her hand, she went to put the books back.

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