(y/n): like seriously! What so special about you! My real dad and mom thought you were special for some reason so now's your time to show me why you're special! So do something special that can help me!

He once again screamed loudly, his scream echoing through the forest causing more birds to fly away out of fear. After his tantrum, (y/n) quickly took a deep breath to calm himself down. Closing his eyes as he took a deep breath and released a relaxed sigh.

(y/n): look, sorry for screaming at you, I just... really want to know what to do in this situation. I have no clue where I'm going, heck I don't even know where I'm at right now. And all I want to do is to meet my real parents. So far you're the only thing I know of that might know where to find them since I know Xelena and Matara weren't going to tell me, and it's not like I can go back to ask them where to go find RyūKyū town. You really are the only thing I have right now, so please, just give a sign.

He pleaded with the ball one more time, closing his eyes tightly as he fell onto his knees. Holding the dragon ball up to the air hoping for a miracle to come and give a sigh on where to go. The cold breeze flew past him, touching his skin lightly as well as the leaves attached to the trees. The leaves move so slightly, giving space for light to hit upon the dragon ball, and like a magnifying glass, it focuses the light to point at a certain angle, causing the light to point at a certain direction into the bushes. Seeing this, (y/n) awe in amazement seeing what seems to be a message from the orange ball.

(y/n): thanks I guess.

He told the orange ball. Quickly he went to the directions that light had to him to go, walking up to the bushes he analyzed to see if there was something he needed to look at. Only to see that they were normal bushes, he then thought it was something behind him he needed to see, so he walked into the bushes to see what was on the other side. Once walking past them, he saw what was waiting for him.

He sees a large pond with a small waterfall that barely makes a sound. Bushes and trees surrounding the ponds as well as small rocks poked out of it.

(y/n) looked amazed by its beauty, its clear water and the calm and peaceful sound that the waterfall made. It was like candy for both his ears and his eyes, one that will always be sweet to him.

(y/n): whoa, this is really... something to behold at. Truly candy for me eyes, but how is this supposed to help with my current situations?

He once again stared at the ball hoping for it to answer him. Though this time it didn't seem like it was going to.

(y/n): maybe I was just lucky that the light hit you in a certain way that the light pointed me to this way.

He told him, as he continued to stare at the pond and all of its glory, admiring the view knowing he may never something like this ever again.


The sound growling causes (y/n) to look down to see his stomach growl. Feeling that it was empty and starving, he quickly looked back at the pond, to see that there were indeed some fish inside of it that swam together.

(y/n): oh, I guess that's why you wanted to show me this.

He looked back at the orange ball. His stomach continue to growl once again which started to bother (y/n)

(y/n): welp, might start fishing for my launch.

He told himself, he put back on the orange ball around his neck as he walked up to the pond and slowly put his feet into the cold water. Slowly he walked up to the fishes that swam around as quickly as possible, not wanting to make a single sound. As (y/n) became a few feet away from the fishes, (y/n) jumped towards like a predator catching his prey, though the fish swam away from him quickly. (y/n) instead hit the steep water with his face, missing his prey as they swam away.

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