The Original 15 Part One

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"Its been a long time, Son." Li Ren greeted. He and his Wife, An Ren, were immediately enveloped in a hug, which they gladly returned. "How did you survive the Nuckelavee?" Lie asked. "It was your Sister, Xiu. She arrived just in time to save us. She managed to kill the Nuckelavee and prevent anymore casualties. After that, we spend some time looking for you and Nora, but unfortunately, you two were already too far and we needed to take care of our injuries. So with a heavy heart, we had to call off our search for you and return to Arcadia. But do know, we never truly gave up on searching for you." An told Lie. "I know, you had Jaune befriend me so he can take Nora and I back to Arcadia. But regardless, I'm happy to see you again." Lie said as he hugged the two again, with tears in his eyes.

"Mother, what is this about you being called Sephiroth and being one of the strongest Warriors in this so called Arcadia?" Weiss asked her Mother, confusing her Siblings who didn't know what she's talking about. "It appears you know about my true self, but you don't know the rest of it, Child. Allow me to show you and your Siblings my true appearance." Willow said before her appearance transforms into her Sephiroth Form. Her sudden change in appearance surprised Winter and Whitely, both were utterly confused by what is happening.

"Weiss, if I'm going to be completely honest with you, I must say, you are an utter and complete disappointment. Not as my Daughter, but as a Human Being in general, due to being an exact copy of your Father. So once we return, I'm cutting off all your funds and blacklisting you from using any of our assets and resources. You must prove yourself worthy of regaining all of your privileges you once took for granted. Hopefully, by the time we meet again, you'll be better a person. But if you're not, then don't bother coming Home nor call yourself a Schnee again." Willow coldly told Weiss. As she left, the Schnee siblings were in complete shock and silence, before Winter started to comfort Weiss, who started to break down.

"For the last time, no means no." Pyrrha told Neptune. "Oh, come on, unlike that waste of space, my Friend can actually contribute more." Neptune told Pyrrha. Truth be told, Neptune doesn't really like Jaune, due to him taking the spot that rightfully belongs to his friend. At first, he didn't mind if Jaune was actually a good combatant, but imagine his surprise when he found out Jaune is known as the "Weakest Student" in Beacon. So when he heard Jaune left, Neptune was happy. His friend can finally take his rightful place in Beacon. So the two contacted Goodwitch, to have him placed on the list for the Re-Entrance Exam. "Oh, come on! My friend is already on the Re-Entrance Exam list! So just give him a chance." Neptune told her.

"Is that so, Mr. Vasilias? Do you mind telling me the name of this friend of yours?" Ozpin asked. "Oh, his name is Jarek Dodd, you probably saw his name on the list." Neptune told him. "My apologies, but I never placed his name on the list. After all, I was the one who composed said list." Ozpin apologizes. "No, I'm pretty sure Goodwitch placed his name on the list." Neptune told him. "That can't be right, she has no authority to do that. Excuse me you two, I must check in on something." Ozpin excuses himself as he walks up to Goodwitch, who is conversing with her fellow Teachers.

"Glynda, what is this about you adding someone to the Re-Entrance Exam without my knowledge?" Ozpin asked her. "It's because Mr. Dodd is a capable Fighter that will be a great asset for Team JNPR or now, Team PRN. So yes, while I did add him to the list without your knowledge, I did so with the Students' futures in mind." Goodwitch tried to justify. "That's not for you to choose, Glynda, nor do you know the reason why I refuse to add him to the list." Ozpin told her before going back to his seat. Meanwhile, Neptune notices Jaune is surrounded by beautiful women who were clearly interested in him. But before he can voice out his jealousy, Abraham plays the next Viewing, thus preventing him from doing so.


All most immediately, the entire One-Five stood up from their seats and stand at attention. When they realized what they did,  the One-Five laughed at how they instinctively stood at attention. "I can't believe you idiots still do that out of instinct, after all these years!" Sitri laughed. "Oh, shut up! You do that too!" Jaune told her. "Not really, since I can control my instinctive reactions." Sitri told him. "ATTENTION!" Jeanne yelled. Almost immediately, Sitri stood up at attention, which shocked her as Jaune gave her a smug smile. "Oh wipe that fucking smug smile off your face, Arc!" Sitri told off Jaune as she flipped him off.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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