Three other watchmen were spotted and similarly disposed of. As Nim and the other jumpers were descending, they enhanced the strength of their legs for the impact. Landing on the wall, Nim yanked his spear out of the dead watchmen. He scanned the top of the wall for any more enemies. The rest of the watchmen were dead. Nim and the other jumpers grabbed the bundles of rope Ayla had left and threw them over the edge of the wall. Looking over the wall, Nim could see that Cane and the others who hadn't been flung were already at the base of the wall. They began to climb up. Turning around, Nim looked into the city.

Suddenly, directly beneath them, where the staircase to ascend the wall connected to the street below, a man dressed in the watchmen's uniform dashed out. Blue Luminescence surrounded him as he made a mad dash towards the center of the city.

"No!" Nim gasped. "There's another one!" He said. Greeves heard Nim and turned to see what he was looking at.

The watchman turned around briefly and saw that he had been spotted. He pulled out a horn and blew on it as hard as he could. Its noise carried throughout the city. He suddenly stopped blowing as Nim's spear sliced against the man's right leg. He let out a moan as he fell. Nim drew his sword and jumped off the wall, racing towards the remaining enemy soldier, who drew his sword and channeled his luminescence. As he desperately pulled himself back up into a standing position, another spear rocketed through the air. It pierced straight through the man's torso. It had been from Greeves. Greeves remained at the top of the wall and turned around to help up the last of the men who were climbing up the rope.

"They won't have enough time to escape. Everyone continue forward!" He said, leaping off the wall. Everyone followed behind him. Nim ran over to the body of the now-dead watchmen. He looked around, checking for any movement. Lamps and torches were starting to light up the insides of the houses. A door to one of the houses that was facing Nim was cracked open. What looked to be a small boy peered out into the street. Nim locked eyes with him. As Greeves and the others caught up to Nim, Nim turned and followed behind them, dashing towards the church.


The horn woke up most of the men in the church. Those who didn't wake up were soon shaken awake by the others. Everyone inside immediately started getting their clothes on and grabbing their weapons. Some started to light the torches that ran across the lower walls of the church.

One of the men channeled his luminescence and dashed over to the church door. He opened it and looked outside. A spear shot out from a group running towards the church. The man dodged right, but not quick enough as the spear tore into his left arm, nearly taking it off and throwing him back onto the ground. He crawled to the side, screaming in pain. As he pulled the spear out and tried to heal his wound using his luminescence, he lost consciousness.

Seeing what had happened, Knox yelled "Brace the door!" Fear and confusion filled Delsyx's face. A couple of men raced towards the front door. The first one to reach the door immediately threw the brace on the door and braced himself against it. Greeves and the rest of Camp Vale crashed against the door. The brace bent and snapped. The excess force threw the man back. Greeves and the rest of Camp Vale flooded into the church and immediately formed up.

"Gile and Huryo, stay next to Delsyx. The rest of you hold a defensive line." Knox ordered.


"There he is, Attack!" Greeves shouted. He and everyone else who still had a spear threw them toward Delsyx. Each of the men standing in front of Delsyx used their shield in an attempt to deflect the spears. After deflecting the first spear, the second one found its mark and pierced into the first guard's body. The second guard used his shield to deflect the fourth spear. Greeves and everyone from Camp Vale pulled out their swords and charged forward. Knox and the rest of the guards around Delsyx braced themselves. Massive luminescent auras swirled about on both sides. Knox and Greeves were clearly the only class sixes. Everyone else appeared to be a class five.

Tales Of The Luminescent Realms: Book 1 - Fatal AmbitionWhere stories live. Discover now