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The End.


    When she'd told him that she would follow him to the end, this is not where she had thought she would be; the color of his love staining her hands.

    But that's the thing they never tell you about being the hero, their paths always end in tearful memories and a heavy heart. Aurora Cooper had never wanted to be a hero. All she had ever wanted was Luke.

   But now, she stood alone in the aftermath of the battle, the throne room collapsing around them.

    In their final moments together, Rory cradled Luke's head in her lap, his body growing limp as his life slipped away. Despite the devastation surrounding them, a serene smile graced his face, his eyes reflecting a sense of peace that Rory hadn't seen in years. He was finally free. They both were.

   As the first light of dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, heralding the promise of a fresh beginning, a rebirth, Rory felt a sense of profound loss wash over her. And yet, amidst the sorrow, there was a glimmer of hope—a belief that even in the darkest of times, there was still light to be found.

    With his last breath Luke Castellan murmured, "I'll wait for you."

   As Rory looked down at his lifeless form, a single tear trickled down her cheek, mingling with the dust and blood that coated her skin.

   And then, as if in response, a radiant symbol materialized above Aurora's head, burning brightly against the backdrop of the morning sky. It was a manifestation of her mother's unmistakable mark—a brilliant golden sun,

    For all their ruining flaws nothing was as beautiful as when they fell, as though Icarus himself was reincarnated within them. There is bitter triumph in crashing when you should be soaring.


Prologue, prologue prologue! Hope you guys enjoyed it! Yes, Luke does in fact die in this, so sorry about that, I don't like it either. But imagine how much more awkward it would've been if he had survived...


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