Chapter 8

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"Plus two." Amand said with a shit eating grin, to Mackenzie. My little sister groaned in despair making everyone else chuckle. Reluctantly she grabbed two cards before putting down a green five.

I was halfway through a game of Uno when my phone went off. I put my cards face down and look over at my phone, it's Dave. Wonder what he wants?

"Hello my favorite white boy, how can I help you?" My dad gave me a disapproving look, over the top of his playing cards, not loving the way I greeted my friend. The girls giggled and continued to play Uno.

"Could you come over to Emily's early? It's taking longer than we planned to set up, and we could use the extra pair of hands." He asked, completely ignoring my fabulous welcoming, rude.

"I'll ask my dad, give me a second." I look over at my dad as he tries to help Tristan hold her cards right. From the looks of it, it's not going well.

"Dad, could I head over to Emily's early, they need some help setting up."

He thought about it for a moment, "Yes, but you have to finish this round of cards with us first. After that you're free for the night, sound fair?"

I smile, nod, and put my phone up to my face again. "I'll be there in twenty minutes." I love my dad, I know most people don't have easy going parents like him.

"Thanks man, see you soon."

"See you in a bit."



With that Dave hung up the phone. I'm actually really excited for this party to night, I heard there is going to be lots of g&

"Marcus! It's your turn, hurry up." Tristan whined, interrupting my thoughts, and weakly hit my arm.

"Okay, okay, no need to get physical on me." I rubbed my arm,pretending that she really hurt me. The child was unconvinced by my acting and continued to glare at me. With a sigh, I laid down a blue two.

I continued to play Uno for the next few minutes and most definitely did not lose to a five year old.


Missy and I seemed to arrive at about the same time. I pulled my car into the driveway and got out. "Missy," I waved my hand in the air as I walked up to her.

"Hey, lover boy." She laughed. "Your in a good mood."

"Yep. I see you were also recruited to help with decorations." I said as we reached the front door.

"Less so recruited, and more so blackmailed." She shivered.

"What'd Emily threaten you with this time?"

"A video of me singing karaoke at Mike's end of the year party last year." Missy opened the door and let us both in.

"She got that on video? Oh my god, that's awesome. I will be watching that later." I said as I laughed. Missy gave me a good smack on the back of my head.

"Ouch," I rubbed the back of my head. "What is with women and hitting me today? First my sister, now you. Is there a sign on my back or something?"

Missy rolled her eyes at me, "No, you're just a dumbass, and a dumbass needs a good hittin' once in a while." She said with no care, and a smile on her face. "Anyway, Dave texted me, he said they were gettin' the snacks ready in the kitchen." I nodded as we went to go find them.

Finding HopeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon