Chapter 4

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"Why don't you like Levi? I'm mean that kid is the definition of perfect, dude. How can you have something against him?"

"I don't have anything against him, Dave. Something about him just rubs me the wrong way." I responded.

"What could that innocent, little thing do to 'rub you the wrong way' so bad?" He held up his hands up to signal air quotes, making me roll my eyes so loud that even the dead could hear.

I sit down on one of the benches in the locker room. "Everything he does just seems so forced and Unnatural," I started to rant, ruffly grabing my cleats out of my bag and put them on.

"Take today for example. Every response he gave, during conversation, sounded rehearsed and planned." I stand back up and head for the doors to the field, Dave on my heals. "And when you all talked about collage plans, it was as if he was reading off a carefully worded note card."

"Maybe its just the way he talks? Or maybe you made him nervous." My best friend scolded, "I swear, you never stopped glaring at the poor boy. You probably creeped the shit out of him."

"I guess, on some level, you could be right about earlier. There's just something to him that bugs me, I can't quite put my finger on it." I mumbled the last bit to myself.

The coach blew his whistle before I could say more, calling us over to warm up. "Alrighty Boys, two laps each, then I want you to partner up and do some shooting drills!" Coach yelled.

I loved my schools soccer team. Practice ran year round, even during the winter months, and we have games from March to June. My teammates are pretty good too, they are also great party throwers, so that's a plus.


Practice came to an end and all the guys quickly left for the locker rooms, when I herd somebody shout out my name, well nickname I guess. 

"Marky!" Sheeked a way to high pitch voice.

I debated if I should start running away now, or just kill myself. Before I could decide, two thin arms curled around my right arm. I looked down with a sigh, "what is it Mae Mae?"

Mae Mae Cornelius. This girl just won't give up. I literally couldn't make it more clear that I'm not into her, I also couldn't tell you how many times I've said that to her face. And over the phone. And through text. And emails. I've even tried sending letter and putting it in fucking writing.

She can't seem to take 'no' for an answer. That or she just can't understand words.

"I watched your practice Marcus! Oh, you played so good!"

I literally couldn't be more uncomfortable right now.

"I've really got to go Mae Mae." I take my free arm and try to pry her off me, but her death grip on me was abnormaly strong.

"Fine. Ill let you go," she whined. Oh thank the lord above, "If you give me a kiss? On the lips of course."

I spoke to soon. 

"Mae Mae, you a nice girl and everything," NOT, your actually a fucking prick and I hope you get hit by a bus like Regina George. "But I'm just not into you. So I'm sorry but if could leave me alone, forever, that would be great." I spoke through gritted teeth.

She made a 'tsk' sound of disbelief. "You don't really mean that, sweetie. You just want to play hard to get."

I nearly gagged.

Please let go, please let go, ple-

"Marcus hurry up, I wanna go and your my ride!" Dave shouted. Thank fuck man.

Quickly I run over to Dave and away from that clingy brat. I grab Daves shoulders, glad he unintentionally saved my life.

"Oh my god dude, thanks for saving me from Mae Mae. I could fucking kiss you." And I did, I grabed his face and pecked his cheek quick. I'm a fairly lovey-dovey guy, and maybe a little too affectionate at times. But I don't give two shits, its just how I show I care.

Dave was unfazed by my affection and continued on, "Ew, that chick was trying to hook up with you again? God, she is relentless."

I nod in agreement, "I fuckin' hate it,"

Mae Mae is known for scaring off all my past girlfriends, and any chances I've had at a boyfriend. I don't think I've been on a date since the end of Sophomore year, all because of her.

Chick ruins my every chance at love, or at least hooking up with people.

"Ima go wait by your car." Dave said.

I Just nod and wave him off, and walk over to the the rooms. It was just me in the locker rooms, the rest of the boys looked to have gone home.

I strip out of my practice clothes and grab a towel before heading to the showers. The warm water rushing over my skin was relaxing, and washed all my problems away. Showers were nice, they let me to think.

My thoughts wandered a lot of different topics. Everything from Mae Maes strange clingy-ness to Levi joining me and my friends for lunch.


I pitied him. He never seemed happy. He looked like he forced himself to tolerate everyone and everything around him, all the while forcing a smile onto his pretty face.

The water in the showers started to turn cold, telling me to hurry up. I hopped out of the shower and dried off, then quietly walked out to my car. Dave was already next to my car with my keys in his hand.

I can't wait to go to bed.


I hope you enjoyed peeps!

Feel free to leave predictions, I would also love to hear what you think so far!

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