Chapter 2

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I was not looking forward to school today. Its nice out, we kids should be hanging out with our friends out side and making memories. Not learning shit that we will never use.

I grabbed what books I would need for class and walked over to my friends.

"Hey lover boy. How you doin' today." Missy questions. She has insisted on calling me that odd nickname since I came out to her. She's the only one of my friends that know I'm Pansexual. Not that I keep it from them, the rest of them just never bothered to ask.

Don't ask, don't tell. That's my motto.

"I'm alright," I smile down at her, "though I wish I was kicking a ball around outside." I give a quick nod to Dave. "Sup?"

"Nothing much man. You seen Emily yet?"

I shake my head, "not yet, you know she's always running late. Give her five minutes." 

"Anyway, how was you summer, boys?"

"Mine was fairly boring."

"I volunteered at a food drive over break. It was a little boring but not to bad. Really only the lady's from church were there. And Levi." Dave added, almost as an after thought.

"Not surprising." I role my eyes, "that 'Golden Boy' would do anything to look good."

"Don't be an ass, he's just a good person." Missy quipped back at me. "I ain't got a clue as to why you hate him so much."

"I don't hate him," I scoff. "he just tries to hard. Everything he does seems so forced. Even his smiles are fake."

Missy gave me a smirking, suspicious look that seemed to fly over Daves head, unnoticed. "You pay attention to his smile often?" She mocks me.

That only made me role my eyes for what felt like the hundredth time today.


Emily finally got to school five minutes later, with one of her 'Big Ideas'. I swear she never lets her imagination rest. That girl will rule this world one day, I can promise you that much.

"Guys, and Missy, I have the best idea ever." She squealed sounding extra bubbly today.

"Tell us what you got, pumpkin." Missy said

Emily got herself that  lucky nickname last fall when she majorly failed to grown a pumpkin. That girl can do everything but keep a plant alive.

"So I was thinking, if it would be alright with you all, that we invited Levi Scotte into our friend group." She rambled out.

"I not to sure, Emily. I mean he probably has tons of friends already, do we need to?" I complained.

Both the girls backhand my arms. Ouch.

"Of course I'm sure! And he doesn't really have that many friends. Levi might know a lot of people, but that doesn't make them all friends."

"Emily's got a point dude, I've never seen that guy hanging out with the same group twice." Dave reasoned.

I shake my head, "No, I like our group the way it is." I don't need more friends, I have just the right amount.

"What if he ate lunch with us today. We see if we all get along, and if we don't we, then we'll never talk to him again. But if we do get along, he can join our crusade. Is that fair?" Emily asked hopefully.

"Fine," I grumbled reluctantly.

"Great! Ill ask him right now." She turned around "Hey, Levi!"

The boy turns around and smiles at Emily. His smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "Hello." Levi gave an awkward wave making me force back a small smile. Ill admit that seeing him a little embarrassed was very entertaining for me.

"Come over here, we have a question for you."

His small frame made its way over to us, and looked up at Emily. At some point he started talking with my friends, I think I zoned out though. My attention was focused on his arm and hands.

He couldn't seem to stop fiddling with his sleeve, and his hands were twitchy. If you played enough attention, you could easily tell he was nervous and a little uncomfortable. At one point I could see his sleeve slide up ever so slightly, revealing small bits of pale skin.

There were little marks all over his showing skin. Scratch marks? No they look more like he was cut by something. They were very random, at times I could seem that several overlaped.

Who would of thought the Golden Boy would have diced up looking skin. I didn't think he could have imperfections.

His fingers tapped against his lag. Why was he anxious? And why hasn't anyone said anything about it? Just as I was about to ask him about it, he left.

Guess I'll never know.

"-us? Marcus? Hello, dude you there?" Dave waved a hand in front of my face.

"Sorry, zoned out." I mumbled.

"All good space boy, just glad your back in our atmosphere." He chuckled.

"Tsk, I'm heading to class. See you at lunch." And just like that I roles my eyes and left to hell.. I mean class. Yes, class.. Definitely what I meant.


I hope this chapter is better than the last. I did notice I accidentally used the wrong name for Marcus, so if you see the name Mason written anywhere, in this chapter and the ones that follow, tell me. Ill fix it, I do believe the issue was solved though.

Have a good day/night peeps!

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