Chapter Twelve

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Six o'clock seemed to dawn earlier than usual the next morning. I slapped the annoying alarm off and laid in bed, groggy and bleary-eyed. I fell asleep thinking about her. Dreaming of a life with her. And woke dreading a life without her.

She's not mine to have and to hold. Only to haunt my dreams in the dead of night. And I cherish those dreams.

I stretched, sore muscles protesting. Eyes hooded with sleep and desire, I groaned. My sore muscles ached. It would be a long day.

Covers thrown off, cold air hits me. Naked as a plain burger. Odd, even for me. I only ever slept naked when I wasn't alone. A soft snore drew my attention to my bedmate.

"Holy shit. Not a dream." I released a breath of wonder, caressing the bare, sexy back of the woman beside me. Hand frozen in horror, every detail of the previous night slammed into my mind. "Fuck. What the hell did I do?"

Quiet and careful, I got dressed and grabbed my always-packed gym bag. Scrawling out a note, I taped it to the alarm clock on the side table and left, unable to face her just yet.

Scott stumbled out of the spare room, joining my sneaky descent down the stairs. He followed me to the front door, speaking as I reached for the doorknob.

"Cliff, she still upstairs?" Shamed, my gaze slide to his. Incredulous, I punched him in the arm.

"You saw us. Why the hell didn't you stop me?" Panicked, I felt ready to throw up. "I can't stay here. Can't face her or Frank now." Scott opened his mouth to argue with me, but I was beyond listening. "There's no doubt I'm dick-over-head in lust with her, but after last night I'm falling for her. Really falling for her." I felt tears well up. "Goddammit, Scott. I'm in love with her."

It was obvious Scott had something to say, but I didn't want to hear it. Couldn't hear it. "Look, I know it's fast. Hell, I met her yesterday morning!" I threw my hands up and grabbed a protein shake from the fridge. "But it is what it is, right? Maybe I'll rent this place out and move into a condo downtown." I closed my eyes and swallowed my heartache. "Or just sell up and move. Either way, I can't live here anymore."

I shook my head and bolted from the house. First stop was the gym where I could try to sweat her out of my system. Not that I held too much hope for that happening. Jill - Scilla, whatever - wormed her way into my head and heart. After last night, she was everywhere I needed her not to be.

I needed to banish her from my heart and soul. Easier said than done.

Arms above my head, back arched, I groaned in remembered ecstasy.

"Mmm, good morning, Cliff." My sultry whisper met silence.

I turned to Cliff's side of the bed, expecting to see warm, chocolate-brown eyes, finding only cold sheets and a note.

Sorry I couldn't be here to wake you with a kiss. I have an early meeting downtown and went to workout beforehand.
There's coffee in the kitchen for you, if you need it, before heading home to the kids.
Last night was incredible. I will remember it always.

I scrunched the note in my hand, wondering why he called me Jill and reflecting on the events of the past twenty-four hours.

"What the hell is 'I will remember it always' supposed to mean? Sounds like a goodbye." I threw my yoga pants and hoodie back on, retrieved my flip-flops from under the bed, and threw my hair up in a messy bun. Note uncreased, then folded and tucked into the hoodie's pocket, I made my way downstairs.

"Good morning, Scilla." Scott's greeting startled me. I blushed and muttered a reply. "Cliff had an early day today, he said he'd call you later."

I raised an eyebrow in disbelief. Cliff made it abundantly clear how he felt about the night before. I was well aware of what he'd said. From the apologetic glance Scott gave me, so did he.

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