Chapter Nine

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Scott and Frank stepped out onto the driveway for some air while I collapsed boxes in the house. I was never this comfortable or settled in Boston. Laughter echoed through the rooms as my friends got to know. My house was a home. My first proper home in years.

Glad I came home after that fiasco with Tandy. This is where I need to be.

My eyes followed my Yummy Mummy as she jogged up to the driveway. In tight running shorts, form-fitting tank top and hair pulled back into a ponytail that begged me to grab it, I yearned for her. I wanted to crush her lips in a kiss and drag her upstairs, finishing what we'd started earlier. A tightening in my loins took my breath away.

I've never reacted this way, not even Tandy. And we were together for years. I watched her take her dog out for a run and all I wanted to do was drag her into my bed and make slow, sweet love to her. Right before I fucked her good and hard.

I swallowed my lascivious thoughts as I watched the object of my obsession talking to my new neighbour. Her husband, Frank, then introduced her to Scott, who looked up at the house laughing and shaking his head.

Jealousy gripped my chest as she kissed Frank on the cheek and ran off, the dog's long legs keeping time with her.

If she's off for a run, who's with the kids? Frank's eldest daughter must be older than I realized. I watched her until she was out of sight, cock tight and aching.

I did my best to push thoughts of her from my mind as Frank and Scott headed back into the house. Their lively discussion on luxury cars made me chuckle. Frank was clueless when he started that up with Scott.

"I still don't see the benefit of a Lamborghini. Not with Alfa Romeo on the road." Frank wandered into the kitchen with their empty beer bottles. "Of course, not everyone knows how to drive one."

Frank excused himself to the bathroom, laughing at the indignation on Scott's face as he wandered down the hall. Scott and I shared a glance. His smirk shone brighter. I couldn't take it anymore and plopped onto the blue William Ashley sofa by the window, staring him down in comfort.

"So, you're right. She's a stunner. And definitely a brunette." Scott settled in the recliner, leaning back and sighing. "Love this chair."

"No, I'm right in walking away from her." Exasperated, I wiped a hand down my face, my dick surging at the thought of her. "I like Frank. Betraying that friendship... no. Not going to happen. I'll have to walk away from her."

A not-uncomfortable silence fell. Both of us lost in reflection. Eyes narrowed, I scowled at the smirk on Scott's face.

"His oldest must be at home babysitting if she went out for a run. The kids aren't old enough to be home alone." My musings made Scott grin. "Frank must have been younger than I thought when he had his youthful dalliance."

Scott's laugh echoed around the box-filled room. After being introduced to Frank's wife, he knew her in a way I didn't. I didn't like that.

"Or he's older than you think, Cliff." Scott smirked as he swigged his beer. I shook my head. Frank looked no older than my thirty-three years. I wondered how young of a father he'd been.

I want to know my Yummy Mummy better than Scott does. It was difficult to keep my inner-petulant child at bay. With a sigh, I changed the subject. We talked about the barbecue Frank invited us to that weekend.

"What the hell am I going to do Saturday, Scott? Frank's barbecue sounds like fun. I can't be around both of them together. Know what I mean?" Scott's disarming grin took me by surprise. I felt like there was something he wasn't telling me. "What? I'm not sure I like that grin of yours, buddy. You look like Sylvester the cat... I can almost see Tweety's feather sticking out of your mouth."

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