Chapter 48- Ben 10 VS. Negative 10 PT. 2

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"So that's how the bad guys knew about the satellite Plumber complexes -- the sub-energy, the keys, and all that stuff. It was an inside job," I realized. "And Driscoll knows Mount Rushmore like the back of his hand. He'll find a way in. It's only a matter of time." He said, with a grim tone. Gwen and I went to go check on Cooper's progress with the security drones. "How's it going?" I asked. "Good. These security drones are almost ready," he replied. "I have to know. How did you open that entrance hatch without even laying a finger on it?" Gwen asked. "It was pretty impressive."


"Sometimes, if I concentrate real hard, I-I can sort of see inside machines and junk like that," Cooper explained to us. "Wow." "It's kind of like a Wi-Fi in my head," he continued. "That is so cool!" She said. "Not really. It gives me a major headache." Once the drone was ready, Cooper threw a can into the air and the drone destroyed it. "Nice job, Cooper," Max complimented. "Whoa, Max! You've been working out," I said. "Oh, it's not me, honey. It's this exo-suit. Alien tech which amplifies your own natural ability. Cooper got it running again. Now we just need a little help from you and Heatblast to finish it up, Paige."


Ben activated the Omnitrix and transformed into Heatblast. I helped him using my pyrokinesis. "I'd like to see that Negative 10 get through that, Princess," Ben said. "I wouldn't," Cooper said. "We've done all we can here. I want to double-check the sub-energy security field." We arrived at the room was the sub-energy was stored. All that could be seen was a force field. "Whoa! A real force field?" Cooper said, amazed. "Too bad the Forever King now has the keys to shut it off," Max said. "Well, where is it, Grandpa?" Ben asked, looking around.


"The force field is just a cloaking device. Here, put these on." He said, as he handed us a special pair of goggles. All I could hear was static. "What's with the static noise, Max?" I asked. "The goggles amplify the sound of the force field. The knob on the side adjusts the volume," he explained. Suddenly, the sub-energy appeared. It looked like a miniature version of the sun. "That dinky thing is the sub-energy" Ben asked.


"I know it doesn't look like much, but the material in that container is 20 times more powerful than the sun. Mishandle it, and you've got an explosion big enough to blow a continent off the face of the Earth," Max explained. "That doesn't sound good," I thought. At the moment, Max was setting up explosives around the base. Ben and Gwen were playing rock, paper, scissors for Cooper's extra ticket. "Will these two just stop already!" I thought, extremely annoyed.


"Quit copying me!" "You're the one copying me!" Gwen said. "What are you guys doing?" Cooper asked. "Winner gets your extra ticket," Ben replied. Suddenly, an alarm filled the air. "This can't be good news," I thought. "What is it, Max?" I asked. "Motion sensor. Come on," he said. Suddenly, Animo broke in; riding on a mutant dog. "The doctor is in!" Max was hit by the mutant's tail. "Max! You'll pay for that, Animo!" I said, conjuring up a fireball. Ben transformed into Wildmutt and charged at Animo's mutant.


"Call off that buck-toothed varmint, or you're going to be the one who needs a doctor." Max said, as he put Animo in a headlock. "That's right, freak." I said, as I brought the fireball close to Animo's face. Suddenly, the Forever King appeared with all of our enemies. "Cooper, the security drones!" The security drones went towards the Forever King but stopped. Then the came toward us! "I love surprises. Don't you?" Max threw explosives at the drones and the negative ten. "Retreat to the lower level."

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