8~ Somtimes I add cheese

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Going to Owen's house was the last thing I wanted to do but what other choice did I have?

By a scrap of my very unfortunate luck, Owen Huntley is the only person who can see me. Out of all people it had to be him. Why couldn't it be some hot actor or a millionaire?

But nope, I'm stuck with Owen the worst person alive. Okay, so maybe he's not the worst but he's pretty horrible.

The drive to his home is silent since neither of us seems to know how to hold a conversation without biting the other's head off.

When we reach his house I keep my face blank, not wanting him to know what's going through my mind.

The last time I was here it had been dark so I couldn't see what his house looked like, and to be honest I hadn't cared at the time.

Now as I get out of his car I take in his house. At school, I always assumed Owen's family had a big house and nice cars. I assumed since he was such a prick that his parent had tons of money.

I was wrong, Owens home is a small single-story house on the bad side of town. The complete opposite of what I assumed.

I silently follow him inside and he's greeted by a girl at the kitchen table.

"How long have you been home, Sadie?" Owen says while his eyes scan the girl as if he's looking for any signs of pain.

"Relax Owen, I just got home," The girl who I assume is Sadie snaps.

He gives her a look, a look only an older brother gives his little sister, a look I have received from my overprotective little brothers, "You should have texted me."

She looks up from the papers scattered around her, "I knew you would be home soon."

Owen sighs and walks to the fridge; I silently take a seat on a bar stool in the kitchen. It's weird being invisible, it's like I'm snooping on their life without them knowing. At least Owen knows I'm here, even if he has to pretend he doesn't.

"How was school?" Owen asks Sadie.

"Good, I passed my math test."

Owen gives her a look I have never seen him use before. The look consists of a smile and eyes that soften from their usual hardness. "What was your score?"

She huffs, "An eighty-nine."

Owen pulls a pot out of a cabinet and sets it on the stove. "That's good."

Saddie smiles and then looks back down at the papers in front of her. Besides the same blue eyes, Sadie and Owen look completely different. While Owen has dark brown hair Saddie has dirty blond hair that reaches her shoulders in loose waves. Looking at Saddie I would guess she's about thirteen or fourteen.

I let my eyes drift around their home, it's fairly neat and very homey. It's so much different than what I thought it would look like.

"Whats for dinner?" Sadie asks as her eyes scan a schoolbook.

The sound of pasta noodles hitting a pot is all the response Sadie gets from him. "Oh no, not pasta again," Sadie whines.

My eyes shift to him leaning against the stove with a smile dancing on his lips. It's like an alien version of Owen. "I know you love my spaghetti."

Sadie's eyes snap up to meet his, "It's not spaghetti it's spaghetti noodles and a can of tomato sauce."

Owens's smile disappears, "Sometimes I add cheese."

Sadies face falls and Owen sighs as if they're having a silent conversation.

"If I got a job then we could afford to buy the meat," Sadie says softly, like she's testing the waters, trying to see how mad Owen may get.

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