Chapter One- Baxis

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Logan tapped his pen against the desk impatiently. He stared at the clock, waiting for class to end. He had already completed the maths sheet that they were given, and the extra one he was given after. School was far too simple for him. The lesson still had half an hour left, and he felt like he was about to fall asleep. The sound of the door opening caught his attention, looking up from the desk then scowling as he sees who had walked through the door. 

Baxis. Weird name, obviously, he was the one person who seemed to know just as much as Logan in classes without even needing to study, and that pissed him off. Baxis was different to other students somehow. He wasn't particularly social but had no trouble speaking to the popular kids when he needed, and made easy conversation with teachers and other students. He seemed to prefer being alone, however, as he was often walking by himself.  His eyes were laser focused on seemingly everything, and whenever Logan caught his eye he felt as if a curse had been disponed upon him.  His clothes were bland, and often had some sort of stains on the sleeves. Baxis had joined at the last year of high school, and he had an accent that Logan spent ages trying to find where it was from, but he simply couldn't. He pondered French, but his name sounded more Norwegian. When he spoke, he sometimes rolled his Rs, other times he'd pronounce words wrong. It was strange. 

Logan argued to his friends that he wasn't obsessed with Baxis, he just needed to know more about him to beat him in class. He didn't like someone bring considered as smart as him.

"And spending ages researching his accent isn't obsessive?" Karlia teases as they sit around a table in the library. Logan scoffed. 

"No. No it's not. I mean what even is his accent? It's like.. he's not even from a country on this planet!" He snapped, running his hand through his hair to exaggerate stress. Karlia rolls her eyes, shoving him lightly. 

"Maybe, If you talked to him for once rather than creepily staring at him from across the room you could find out?" She grins, gesturing over to where Baxis was taking books from his locker outside the library. Logan grimaces at simply the thought of talking to him. He shakes his head. 

"No, id rather die than talk to that weirdo." he took a look towards Baxis as he walked away, his eyes remaining on the spot where he previously was. 

Karlia followed his gaze, a smirk forming as she chuckles. "oh c'mon, just introduce yourself, ask about his accent, and get to know him!" she stood, grabbing her bag as if she was going to follow him. "because if you don't, ill get him to talk to YOU." she grinned evilly, rushing out of the library after Baxis. Logan yelps, grabbing his bag and running after her. 

"Karlia, please don't!" he pleads, grabbing her arm, but it was too late. 

"hey Baxis, Loge here wants to ask you a question!" she called, giggling. Logan gasps in betrayal. Baxis turns and Logan feels his face burn from embarrassment as Karlia pushed him toward the strange kid. Baxis looks down at him and Logan gulps. Baxis's eyes were unnaturally bright, boring down into his soul as he shifts uncomfortably. Logan glares over to Karlia, then rubs the back of his neck as he faces Baxis. "Yeah uh, I'm Logan, by the way, uh, i was just curious, about.. your accent?" his words were stiff and awkward. Baxis tilts his head, his lips curling downwards into a slight frown. 

"Uh, what about it?" he asks. Logan wanted to melt through the floor. The uncomfortableness he felt was almost painful. 

"Nevermind- it doesn't matter-" he mumbled, quickly hurrying away, his whole body burning now. Karlia rushes after him. 

"Dude, what was that? Were you TRYING to be weird?" she hissed. 

"You didn't give me time to think about what to say, damn it!" he spat back, sighing as he leaned against the wall outside his next class. Karlia feels a rush of guilt as she stands beside him. 

"Well, I'm sure you could try again? i mean, you didn't seem THAT opposed to speaking to them?" she suggested. Logan groans dramatically, not wanting to imagine speaking to Baxis again. 

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