Heaven and Hell

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The scene continues from the last episode.

Sam: You want Anna and Myra? Why?

URIEL: Out of the way.

Dean: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, I know she's wiretapping your angel chats or whatever, but it's no reason to gank her...or take myra away for protection...

URIEL: Don't worry. I'll kill her gentley....and it was myra's mother that had wanted us to take her away

Dean: You're some heartless sons of bitches, you know that?

Castiel: As a matter of fact, we are. And?

Sam: And? Anna's an innocent girl....and myra belongs with us...we as a family can protect her

Castiel: She is far from innocent...and you may feel you can help her...but myra needs to come with us

[myra then walks in confused and stands by dean]

Sam: What's that supposed to mean?

URIEL: It means she's worse than this abomination you've been screwing. Now give us the girls.

Dean: Sorry. Get yourself another one. Try JDate....and myra is my girlfriend...and she is not going anywhere...especially with you

URIEL: Who's gonna stop us? You two? Or this demon whore?

URIEL throws Ruby against a wall. Dean attacks him.

Sam: Cas, stop...please.

Castiel touches Sam's forehead and he falls to the ground. URIEL punches Dean.

URIEL: I've been waiting for this.

Suddenly a bright light engulfs Castiel and URIEL and they disappear.

Dean: What the...

myra helps Ruby to her feet.

Dean: Come on.

Ruby then kneels by Sam, who is stirring. Dean gets into a back room and finds Anna with her hands and arms covered in her own blood.

Dean: Anna. Anna!

Anna has used her blood to draw sigils on a mirror.

Anna: Are they -- are they gone?

Dean: Did you kill them?

Anna: No. I sent them away... far away.

Dean: You want to tell me how?

Anna: That just popped in my head. I don't know how I did it. I just did it.


Dean: So, what do you think?

myra: I think Anna's getting more interesting by the second.

Dean: Yeah, I agree. And what did they mean by "she's not innocent"?

myra: or why my mom wanted angels to send me away for protection....it doesn't make sense...

Sam: It seems like they want them bad, and not just 'cause of the angel radio thing. I mean, that blood spell -- Some serious crap, man.

Dean: Something's going on with her. See what you can find out.

Sam: What are you gonna do?

Dean: Anna may have sent the angels to the outfield, but, sooner or later, they're gonna be back. We got to get ourselves safe now.

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