Lazarus Rising

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INT. Bobby's HOUSE – DAY

To a pounding on the door, Bobby's hand appears to open it. On the doorstep is Dean, looking winded and apprehensive. He smiles cautiously. Bobby looks at him suspiciously.

Dean: Surprise.

Bobby: I, I don't...

Dean: Yeah, me neither. (He enters.) But here I am.

Behind his back, Bobby takes a silver Knife. As Dean approaches, Bobby lunges forward and slashes at him. Dean grabs his arm and twists it around; Bobby breaks the grip and backhands him in the face.

Dean: Bobby! It's me!

Bobby: My ass!

Dean: (shoves a chair between himself and Bobby, holds his hands out) Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Your name is Robert Steven Singer. You became a hunter after your wife got possessed, and... you're about the closest thing I have to a father. Bobby. It's me.

Bobby lowers the Knife, steps forward slowly. He places a hand gently on Dean's shoulder. Suddenly he slashes again, but Dean quickly subdues and disarms him.

Dean: I am not a shapeshifter!

Bobby: Then you're a Revenant!

Dean shoves Bobby away, having taken the Kn*ie. He holds it out in front of him.

Dean: Alright. If I was either, could I do this – with a silver Knife?

Dean rolls up his left sleeve, and, grimacing, slices his arm above the elbow with the Knife. A line of blood appears.

Bobby: (starting to believe it) Dean?

Dean: That's what I've been trying to tell you.

Bobby breaks, grabbing Dean in for a tight hug. Dean returns the hug with enthusiasm, relief on his face. They pull apart.

Bobby: It's... It's good to see you, boy.

Dean: Yeah, you too.

[jack and myra then walk in the room and are shocked to see dean]

myra: dean....

[dean then looks at myra and a flashback of their kiss is shown]

jack: this isn't possible...

bobby: i don't know how...but its really him

[jack hugs dean and then myra walks over and pulls him in a hug and looks at him]

myra: But... how did you bust out?

Dean: I don't know. I just, uh, I just woke up in a pine box...

Suddenly, Bobby splashes water in Dean's face. Dean pauses, spits.

Dean: I'm not a demon either, you know.

Bobby: Sorry. Can't be too careful.

They go further into the house, Dean wiping his face with a towel.

jack: But... that don't make a lick of sense.

Dean: Yeah. Yeah, you're preachin' to the choir.

myra: Dean. Your chest was ribbons, your insides were slop. And you've been buried four months. Even if you could slip out of hell and back into your meat suit -

Dean: I know, I should look like a Thriller video reject.

jack: What do you remember?

Dean: Not much. I remember I was a Hellhound's chew toy, and then... lights out. Then I come to six feet under, that was it. (Bobby sits.) Sam's number's not working. He's, uh... he's not...

Bobby: Oh, he's alive. As far as we know.

Dean: Good... Wait, what do you mean, as far as we know?

myra: we haven't talked to him for months.

Dean: You're kidding, you just let him go off by himself?

jack: He was dead set on it.

Dean: guys, you should've been looking after him.

myra:  we tried. These last months haven't been exactly easy, you know. For him or us.... We had to bury you.

Dean: Why did you bury me, anyway?

Bobby: I wanted you salted and burned. Usual drill. But... Sam wouldn't have it.

Dean: Well, I'm glad he won that one.

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