Yellow Fever

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Dean is seen running on the road, hearing growling and barking noises behind him. He turns around a corner, runs into a shopping cart and falls to the ground. He sees a homeless man rummaging through a garbage bin.

Dean: Run! It'll kill you! (pointing)

Camera pans away from Dean to the homeless man, then to a pink-ribboned Yorkie. Dean starts running while shouting at the Same time.



Coroner opens a body bag.

CORONER: Agent Rowland, Agent Tyler, Agent Perry, meet Frank O'Brien.

Sam: He died of a heart attack, right?

CORONER: Three days ago.

Sam: But O'Brien was 44 years old and, according to this ­ a marathon runner.

CORONER: Everybody drops dead sooner or later. It's why I got job security.

Dean: Yeah, but Frank kicked it here. Now, just yesterday, two perfectly healthy men bit it in Maumee. All heart attacks, you don't think that's strange?

CORONER: Sounds like Maumee's problem to me. Why's the FBI give a damn, anyway?

myra: We just want to see the results of Frank's autopsy.

CORONER: What autopsy?

Dean: The one you're gonna do.

Coroner cuts open the dead body.

CORONER: First dead body?

Dean: Far from it.

CORONER: Oh, good. Because these suckers can get pretty ripe. Hey, hand me those rib cutters, would you?

Sam and myra take a fortifying breath while Dean picks up the cutters and hands it to the Coroner. Coroner cuts the ribs open while Sam keeps himself from squirming.

Dean: Is that from a wedding ring? I didn't think Frank was married.

CORONER: Ain't my department.

myra: Any idea how he got these? (picks up Frank's arm which is full of scratches)

CORONER: You know what? When you drop dead, you actually tend to drop. Body probably got scraped up when it hit the ground. Huh!

Sam: What?

CORONER: I-I can't find any blockages in any of the major arteries.

Coroner breaks off the heart while Dean tries not to vomit.

CORONER: Heart looks pretty damn healthy. (Hands heart to Dean) Hold that a second, would you? (Sam and myra smirk on the side)

Coroner cuts something else in the body.

CORONER: (Hits myra's face with blood) Oh, sorry. Spleen juice. (Dean smirks)

INT. Sheriff's STATION – DAY

Sam, Myra & Dean sitting down in front of Deputy's desk, waiting. Deputy smiles at Dean. Sheriff opens his office door.

Sheriff: Hell's bells, Linus, have you seen my... Who are they? (Sam Myra & Dean stands)

Deputy LINUS: Federal agents. I, uh...

Sheriff: And you kept them waiting?

Deputy LINUS: You, you said not to disturb.

Sheriff: Come on back, fellas.

Sam Myra & Dean walk over to Sheriff's office but Sheriff stops them.

Sheriff: Shoes off.

Sam Myra & Dean take their shoes off and walk into Sheriff's office.

Sheriff BRITTON: Al Britton. Good to meet you. (shakes Dean Myra & Sam's hands)

Sam: You too.

Sheriff gestures for Sam Myra & Dean to sit down.

Sam: Thank you.

Sheriff takes out alcohol gel and start slathering his hands. Dean looks at Sam and myra with a weird look on his face.

Sheriff BRITTON: Okay. So, what can I do for uncle Sam?

Sam: Well, we're looking into the death of Frank O'Brien. We understand some of your men found his body.

Sheriff BRITTON: They did. Me and Frank, we were friends. Hell, we were gamecocks.

Dean snickers. Sheriff gives him a stern look. Dean looks abashed.

Sheriff BRITTON: That's our softball team's name. (Dean nods) They're majestic animals. I knew Frank since high school. To be honest, I just this morning got up the strength to go see him. Frank was...He was a good man.

Dean: Yeah. Big heart.

myra: Before he died, did you notice frank acting strange? Maybe scared of something?

Sheriff BRITTON: Oh hell, yeah. Real jumpy.

Sam: You know what scared him?

Sheriff BRITTON: No. Wouldn't answer his phone. Finally, I sent some of my boys over to check on him, and well, you know the rest.

Sheriff starts and pours alcohol gel on his hands again. Dean looks at Sam and myra with a what "WTF?" look on his face.

Sheriff BRITTON: (Slathering gel on his hands) So, why the Feds give a crap? You don't really think there's a case here?

Dean: (Looks at Sam and myra ) No, no. It's probably nothing. Just a heart attack.

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