He is back in his tent, and it is still dark outside. Why did he wake up? He wants to fall asleep again so he can examine the gemstone. However, he hears a loud scream. This scream did not come from an animal in the forest but from a human. It also seems to be coming from nearby. Murales dresses and takes his staff in hand. When he steps out of his tent, he hears sounds he hasn't heard in years. There is a battle raging in his forest. He hears weapons clashing and sounds of people dying everywhere.

He wants to find out what is happening in his forest. He decides to walk towards the sound. As the sounds get louder, he hides among the bushes and densely packed trees. He definitely doesn't want to get involved in this fight; it sounds serious. After a few minutes of walking, Murales sees a knight; he has a crest on his armor. It looks like a medallion; this is the emblem of House Electus. The knight is on his horse and gallops towards an orc, but this is no ordinary orc. A typical orc is smaller than a human and fights with a saber. This orc, however, is larger than an average human and fights with a diamond sword. To wield such a weapon, one needs a lot of strength.

The orc sees the knight coming towards him. Very quickly and precisely, the orc uses his sword to cut into the legs of the galloping horse. The knight falls off his horse, and the orc grabs the knight by his shoulders. He lifts the knight up until they are face to face. The knight's weapon is still on the ground; he is unable to defend himself. The orc rips off the knight's helmet and headbutts him. He then lets go of the knight, who lands with his head on a protruding stone. This causes his head to bleed. The knight looks dazed and cannot orient himself properly. The orc kicks the knight, causing him to fall on his back. Then the orc takes his sword and stabs it through the knight's head. He is instantly dead.

Murales has never seen such a strong orc. He sees the orc continue walking, and Murales decides to follow him. Not much later, Murales arrives at an open area in the forest. He often used this place to pick various herbs in this grassy field. It was one of the few places in this forest where the trees were not so close together. However, this place is now being used to fight a large battle. Murales sees more than a thousand orcs in this field. 

Some orcs even ride on large wolves. They are fighting against knights and villagers from the Jura realm. Each one bears the emblem of the Jura realm on their armor. The people are heavily outnumbered; they cannot win this battle. Then Murales sees an orc beginning to approach him. Murales focuses and utters the word: "Fear!" After saying this word, the orc looks at Murales as if facing his worst nightmare. He turns around and walks away fearfully from Murales. 

The spell of the evil eye has often helped him in situations like this.As he looks back at the battle, he sees an interesting turn. Despite being outnumbered, the people hold their ground in the center of the field. There, Murales sees the Duke of the Jura realm, Robert Electus. Robert is on his horse, slaying any orc that comes near him. Clearly, he stands for good morale because the men around him also hold their ground against the orcs. It even seems like they will maintain their position for the entire battle. Thus, they will succeed in driving the orcs out of the forest.

Then Murales hears a sound coming from a horn. It comes from the east, and when he looks in that direction, he sees something frightening. The orcs he had seen so far were already exceptional, but the ones he sees now are even worse. These orcs ride on wolves that Murales has never seen before. These wolves are larger, and their teeth look razor-sharp. They have a gaze in their eyes that does not radiate anything good. The orcs riding these wolves are even more muscular than the others. They wield large two-handed weapons in one hand. Murales has only seen such weapons a few times, and they were never wielded by an orc. Previously, giants fought with such large axes and clubs. These must be the leaders of this army.

Murales also sees who their leader is. There is one orc who does not wear armor. However, he looks so muscular that he does not need armor. He also has a sword that must be five times as wide as a regular sword. The length of this weapon is gigantic. This leader can also easily wield this sword with one hand. What distinguishes him from the other leaders is that his wolf is pure white. The other wolves have black or brown fur, but this wolf has white fur and red eyes. It looks like an albino that is more aggressive than the other wolves.

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