chapter 44

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Yugant's POV

This little devil is stealing my wife how dare him, he always kissed her if he isn't a child then I'll teach him lesson and my sweetie is no less then him, she exactly know how to make me pissed off, but I'm happy because she is happy.
       I feel that something is missing in our relationship I know she had forgiven me but had changed herself totally she no more the chatter box, she stopped complaining about food she just ate whatever was cooked, she stopped going outside she used to roam outside at young age, I think we should communicate properly then only I can understand what is going inside her I need to bring out everything or else she'll suffocate herself.

End of Yugant's POV

He was packing there stuffs he was well aware of her state even if maids or someone touch her innerwear or clothes she'll feel uncomfortable, she was a very private person after finding about her pregnancy she let him do these things ar else she'll manage by herself but after the last incident she stopped doing any work .  
        Aadya entered and found him packing their clothes she went and sit beside him but he ignored her, she poke her fingers in his biceps but again he ignored her, she hold his palms he removed his hand softly without jerking that's it now her pregnancy harmones are dominant her eyes teared up she start sobbing Yug instantly ran to her after hearing her, he cupped her face lovingly.

Yug- mera baccha what happened why are you crying hmm.........she start hitting him on his chest .

Aadya- you don't love I know that's why you're ignoring me I'll tell my bhabhi maa, go I don't want to talk, your bad very bad......... Yugant chuckled at her cuteness, she glared at him he  hugged her securely taking her on his lap.

Yug- ok ok sorry mera baccha don't be angry I promise I'll never ignore you just don't tell bhabhi anything ok now stop crying ..........he kissed her forehead she look at him like a innocent puppy.

Aadya- promise me........she forward her pinky finger he wanted to laugh hard but can't make her angry so he intertwined ther pinky finger.
She put her forehead on his chest and closed her eyes, she was listening his heartbeat peacefully but his mind wasn't in peace when wanted to ask so many questions but scared of her response. After sometime he felt that she had fallen asleep, he again kissed her forehead, then made her sleep properly on bed.

Yug- my sleeping Beauty, after pregnancy you start sleeping more than 12 hours, oh no I forgot to tell you about your check-up but no worries I'll call doctor there you sleep peacefully mera baccha.

In VeRu's room.

Ruhi was vomiting non stop from morning she Vidhan didn't go office today for her but she was angry on him maybe because of harmonal changes.

Ruhi- I felt like I should sleep in bathroom so it would be easy for me to vomit, Vidhan jiiiiiii ask your child to stop troubling me, I'm tired now I can't vomit anymore and my exams are starting soon Aadya had already prepared everything because is topper but me I'm not even a average student what will I do if failed no no no......... Vidhan put his finger on her lips making her shhh.

Vidhan-shhhh jaan don't take stress you'll make it and if not then that's ok I was failed in college too but again I make it so just don't worry ok............she put her head on his chest and start playing with his shirt buttons.

Ruhi- I'm having backache and headache too .........she complaint like a baby, she look in his with her puppy eyes.
He start massaging her back softly after sometime she got relief he made her lay properly then started massaging her head soon she slept clutching his hands near her heart.
He put his head near her stomach and smiled feeling his child growing inside her.

Vidhan- baby you had promised me that you'll not trouble mumma then why are you troubling hmm she is weak baby why are you doing that, I know you're naughty just don't trouble mumma you can trouble me as much you want ok now let her sleep peacefully don't disturb her ok until I'll check on bua ............he whispered and kissed her lower abdomen then caressed for sometime.

Here Rudra was trying to talk his wife who had stopped talking with him after knowing everything she considered him as Aadya's criminal.

Rudra- please Deepu forgive me one last time I sware I'll protect her love her I'll do everything for her, believe I love her very much she is my only sister I can even die for her.

Deepthi- oh really that's why you left her for dieing you know Rudra what she had suffered because of you all you told me that she killed Jojo but I didn't believe you even I didn't even met her for once that time but you believed everything whatever Diksha tell you Aadya is your own blood, you have no idea but let me tell you doctor told that she can even lose her child or maybe her baby have to face and serious health issue, I'm a mother and I can't even see my child crying then think what if something happened to her child who will be responsible for it..........she brust infront of him, he listen everything like a statue, he had no idea about anything.

Rudra- princess?

Deepthi- yes your princess and you all the reason of her suffering Rudra why did you all dis that.........Rudra sat on his knees with his head low he was ashamed of his every act if anything happened to Aadya or her child what will he do.

Rudra- no no this can't happen my princess my little sister shouldn't suffer like that, I can't see her in pain it's better if I die yes I should die........he was saying everything, by behaviour he was totally looking like a insane, he run towards the terrace Deepthi run behind him with Rudraksh in her arms, she was calling him continuously now she was regretting her out brust, she called loudly Shiv and Vidhan they saw  her run on terrace they too run behind her only to find Rudra on the edge Aadya come there slowly with help of Yugant, Rudra looked at her with pain and hurt, tears were coming from his eyes.

Rudra- princess..........she looked at him with pain after hearing her nickname.

Rudra- princess can you forgive me, I'm sorry please baccha just one last time I want your forgiveness before dieing........ Aadya look at him with shock.

Shiv- don't do that Rudra please beta come down, it's dangerous beta .........he tried to go forward.

Rudra- no dad don't come near me I'll jump from hear........... Shiv stayed on his place.

Vidhan- Rudra stop this nonsense and come here look at your wife and son .......... Deepthi was crying continuously with Rudraksh, who was also crying after seeing his mother crying.

Rudra- I can't even protect my sister then how will I protect them please forgive me Deepu........he was about to jump before he could jump Aadya called him loudly and run towards him.

Aadya- BHAI!!!!!!!..........she was about to fall but Shiv hold her securely in his arms, Rudra ran in her direction.

Aadya- Bhai never repeat it please........she start crying in Shiv's arm, Deepthi came to Rudra and slap him back to back with all her strength no one stopped her after slapping him she hugged him tightly. Ruhi was feeling happy after seeing Aadya in Shiv's embrace.

Ruhi- I wish you could fix everything badi maa.........she look at the sky and said with a smile.

Yug- she will bhabhi don't worry..........after some seconds Aadya started breathing heavily, her situation scared everyone.

Aadya- Yug took her in his arms and come downstairs.

Her Loving Prince (Love Series 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora